
不管您想要制作的产品是什么形状,无论是球形、扁平还是三维形状,GEA Aquarius 都拥有正确的机器来完成工作。 采用连续旋转作业方式,所有 GEA Aquarius 机器均有着外形小巧,结构简单,同时兼具灵活性和优异性能的优点。


  • 原位清洗 - 该系统可在大约20分钟时间内清洁、干燥并润滑成型装置,节省劳动力成本。 
  • 虚拟网络连接 - 让您能够通过笔记本电脑设置参数并操作您的机器。 当您的触摸屏不能充分工作而仍要操作机器时,会有所帮助 
  • 备用控制装置电源 - 在出现电源故障时保护机器设置并防止 PLC 和驱动器受损。 
  • 备件套装 - 此套装涵盖约 2 年工作期中所需的大多数易损耗备件。 
  • 快速更换模具 - 支持在约一小时内更换款成型模具


显示 4 个,共 7 个

GEA Aquarius BunchWrapper

GEA Aquarius BunchWrapper

Over 20 years our GEA Aquarius BunchWrapper series ensures hermetically sealed lollipop wrapping with optimal productivity and fast changeovers for the confectionery market. Offering flexibility in further continuous packaging in bags or containers or tools for marketing purposes.

GEA Aquarius FlexFormer

GEA Aquarius FlexFormer

具有出色口味和愉悦口感且完美成型的棒棒糖是成功的关键因素。 当使用 GEA Aquarius FlexFormer 成型机时,这些优势就触手可及。 不管您想要制作什么形状,不管是球形、扁平还是三维形状,GEA Aquarius 的 FlatFormer 系列机器都适用这一工作。

GEA Aquarius FlexFormer Start Up

GEA Aquarius FlexFormer Start Up

A perfectly formed lollipop with an excellent taste and mouth feel are the ingredients to success. These Benefits are within reach when forming with a GEA Aquarius FlexFormer. Whatever shape you would like to make, whether ball, flat or three-dimensional, GEA Aquarius has with the
FlexFormer range the right machine for the job. Configured to appe...

GEA Aquarius FlexFormer XHC

GEA Aquarius FlexFormer XHC

使用世界上最快的棒棒糖成型机提高您的产量。如果您希望更快地生产美味可口的棒棒糖,FlexFormer XHC(超高产能)已经做好准备,可满足您的最高要求。这款灵活、尖端的成型机可生产直径为 20 毫米到 35 毫米的棒棒糖,最高生产速度可达到实令人惊叹的每分钟 2770根棒棒糖。产品包括美味可口的口香糖、橡皮糖,可以填充粉末和糊状馅料以及形成各种形状注心。


GEA 洞察

Cows grazing in green pasture with wind turbines in background

Making milk production more sustainable for a growing world

The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior...

GEA customer Crailsheim dairy processor


每一份安全的饮料和每一口安全的食物都是对抗看不见的微生物威胁的一次胜利—这是一场一个世纪来卫生工艺设计工业所发起的战斗。GEA 拥有超过 100 年的工程和卫生设计专业实践,为保护食品和拯救生命的加工设备制定了行业标准。

Filtration sensation: The washing machine principle

Engineering innovation often takes the form of incremental gains. Once in a while, it takes a leap. Case in point: The washing machine. Launched in September 2022, two new GEA software solutions are upending convention and delivering...

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