
不管您想要制作的产品是什么形状,无论是球形、扁平还是三维形状,GEA Aquarius 都拥有正确的机器来完成工作。 采用连续旋转作业方式,所有 GEA Aquarius 机器均有着外形小巧,结构简单,同时兼具灵活性和优异性能的优点。


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GEA Aquarius BunchWrapper

GEA Aquarius BunchWrapper

Over 20 years our GEA Aquarius BunchWrapper series ensures hermetically sealed lollipop wrapping with optimal productivity and fast changeovers for the confectionery market. Offering flexibility in further continuous packaging in bags or containers or tools for marketing purposes.

GEA Aquarius FlexFormer

GEA Aquarius FlexFormer

具有出色口味和愉悦口感且完美成型的棒棒糖是成功的关键因素。 当使用 GEA Aquarius FlexFormer 成型机时,这些优势就触手可及。 不管您想要制作什么形状,不管是球形、扁平还是三维形状,GEA Aquarius 的 FlatFormer 系列机器都适用这一工作。

GEA Aquarius FlexFormer Start Up

GEA Aquarius FlexFormer Start Up

A perfectly formed lollipop with an excellent taste and mouth feel are the ingredients to success. These Benefits are within reach when forming with a GEA Aquarius FlexFormer. Whatever shape you would like to make, whether ball, flat or three-dimensional, GEA Aquarius has with the
FlexFormer range the right machine for the job. Configured to appe...

GEA Aquarius FlexFormer XHC

GEA Aquarius FlexFormer XHC

使用世界上最快的棒棒糖成型机提高您的产量。如果您希望更快地生产美味可口的棒棒糖,FlexFormer XHC(超高产能)已经做好准备,可满足您的最高要求。这款灵活、尖端的成型机可生产直径为 20 毫米到 35 毫米的棒棒糖,最高生产速度可达到实令人惊叹的每分钟 2770根棒棒糖。产品包括美味可口的口香糖、橡皮糖,可以填充粉末和糊状馅料以及形成各种形状注心。


GEA 洞察

Pre2Fuel: Cleared for takeoff

GEA's innovative process marks a milestone in the pretreatment of biofuels such as hydro-treated vegetable oil and sustainable aviation fuel. By eliminating the bleaching process, manufacturers benefit from significant savings potential: over 50% lower operating costs and up to 12% less CO2 emissions.

GEA NEXUS 的下一個食品生產時代

氣候變遷和全球人口成長對能源密集的食品產業造成越來越大的壓力,要在不傷害地球的前提下餵飽更多的人,GEA 全球永續發展技術經理 George Shepherd 解釋 GEA 如何運用其工程技術知識,協助加工商在提高生產力的同時,進行更永續的生產。

Cows grazing in green pasture with wind turbines in background

Making milk production more sustainable for a growing world

The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.

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