Pelletizing Technology

NICA Integrated Pelletizing Systems

Developed specifically for the pharmaceutical industry, the NICA Integrated Pelletizing System (IPS) fuses NICA extrusion and spheronization technologies to create a range of compact, continuous solutions for the production of spherical pellets.

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NICA Integrated Systems

The NICA Integrated Pelletizing system is available in five sizes, with continuous production rates ranging from less than 5 kg/h to more than 200 kg/h.


The NICA IPS5 operates exclusively as a process module on the GEA PharmaConnect® platform, combining the NICA E100 basket extruder with the NICA S250 spheronizer. As a development-scale machine, extrudate dosing is user controlled with a manual PTFE valve, avoiding the need for manual handling. Likewise, finished product discharge from the spheronizer is manually controlled, aided by a timer system. Perfectly sized for small-scale development, the IPS5 can deliver pellets from as little as 50 g of wet mass; with sufficient raw material, however, production rates of 5 kg/h can be achieved. Further details of the IPS5 are available through the PharmaConnect® page.


The IPS25 combines the NICA E140 Extruder with the NICA S450 Spheronizer to deliver a market-leading solution for pilot-scale pellet production. Fitted with an actuated dosing valve, the system can automatically transfer consistent batches from the extruder to spheronizer and deliver a continuous production capacity of around 25 kg/h. Operating in manual mode, the IPS25 is equally suitable for lab-scale operations with batch sizes as little as 400 g.


Expanding on the IPS25, the IPS50 combines the NICA E140 Extruder with two NICA S450 Spheronizers to form a small-scale pellet production system. The GEA Shuttlebox system automatically doses the extrudate into each spheronizer bowl, ensuring both are in action together. Depending on the extrusion rate and spheronization time, continuous production rates of 50 kg/h can be expected.


The IPS100 integrates the NICA E220 Extruder with the NICA S700 Spheronizer for full production-scale pelletization. As with the IPS25, a pneumatically actuated dosing valve automatically transfers consistent batches from the extruder to the spheronizer at a continuous production capacity of up to 100 kg/h. In line  with other machines in the IPS range, the IPS100 features an HMI interface for manual or automated control. Supervisory access enables the timings of the dosing and discharge valves to be optimized to reduce spheronizer downtime and maximize production rates. 


For ultimate productivity, the IPS200 features the NICA E220 Extruder and two NICA S700 spheronizers. Dedicated to large-scale production, the IPS200 offers throughput rates of up to 200 kg/h. Featuring the ability to “hot-swap” the spheronizer trolley, production time is maximized, even if periodic spheronizer cleaning is  necessary.


Extrudate DistributionManual Dosing PlateActuated Dosing PlateActuated Shuttlebox Actuated Dosing PlateActuated Shuttlebox 
Screen Hole SizesStandard 0.6mm up to 1.5mm - Special Screens to customer requirements
Spheronizer Plate(s)Standard Radial Single-Piece Plate - Option for Two-Piece with radial and Parallel Designs
Jacketed Extrusion Head---00
Jacketed Spheroniser Bowl---00
Standard HMI/PLCRockwell (via PharmaConnect®)
GPS Process Recorder Batch Data Collection-0000
GPS Process Manager Batch Data Collection0----


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