
智能互连具有不同蒸发器类型的加工设备的所有组件,以及用于能量优化的废热处理,造就了理想的蒸发设备。GEA 拥有设计定制设备解决方案的专业知识,可满足所有要求和规格,同时将投资和运营成本降到最低。


为了满足各种规格和要求,GEA 设计了结合不同蒸发器类型、设备布局和加热选项的设备解决方案。每种蒸发器类型和加热选项都有其各自的优势,根据主要工艺参数选择最适合每个调试的项目。

通过一百多年的持续研究、开发工作和数千台已安装设备的经验,GEA 继续提供最广泛的技术专业知识和备受尊崇的能力,为几乎任何产品、蒸发率、操作条件或应用提供最佳解决方案。


  • 无机化工和盐
  • 肥料
  • 有机化工
  • 工业废水
  • 有机和无机污水
  • 酒糟、浸渍水和滞水、DDGS 污水
  • 纤维板压水
  • 己内酰胺、高岭土
  • 咖啡和茶萃取物、咖啡废水
  • 烟草萃取物, 
  • 食品和乳制品
  • 萃取物和水解物
  • 淀粉和蛋白质产品
  • 食品配料
  • 肉和骨萃取物
  • 增稠剂、明胶和甜味剂
  • 饮料
  • 浓缩果汁、麦芽萃取物
  • 发酵产品



Key Features

Evaporation Plants can be found in thousands of installations around the globe serving to diverse industrial processes that include but are not limited to:

  • Inorganic chemicals and salts
  • Fertilizers
  • Organic chemicals
  • Industrial wastewater
  • Organic and inorganic effluents
  • Stillage, steep and stick water, DDGS-effluents
  • Fiber board press water
  • Caprolactam, kaolin
  • Coffee and Tea extract, Coffee wastewater
  • Tabaco extract 
  • Food and dairy products
  • Extracts and hydrolysates
  • Starch and protein products
  • Food ingredients
  • Meat and bone extract
  • Texturizers, Gelatin and sweeteners
  • Beverages
  • Juice concentrates, malt extract
  • Fermentation products

GEA 洞察

At the table for … new food: Crafting the future of our food

Coffee, cocoa, milk, meat, fish and eggs – these daily staples rely heavily on intensive agriculture. With the rise of new food technologies, we have more sustainable alternatives. We sat down with Dr. Reimar Gutte, Senior Vice...

Innovating patient care with aseptic spray drying

At GEA, our commitment to engineering for a better world fuels our pursuit of innovative solutions that enhance patient care and safety. One of our most promising ventures in recent years is aseptic spray drying – a technology...


卵磷脂在 GEA 产品销售经理 Patrick Schürmann 的心里占据着特殊的位置。这种用途广泛的物质已经从食用油精炼领域中的配角变成了竞争激烈、利润微薄的食用油精炼市场的明星。这在很大程度上归功于 Schürmann 和他的同事开发的全新且创新和节能的工艺。

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