GEA has developed its state-of-the-art CF series of reliable, hygienic milk coagulators to offer cheese producers capacities of 6,000–15,000 liters of milk per cycle. The systems are ideal for processing the highest quality curds from sheep, cow or buffalo milk, for the manufacture of a wide variety of pasta filata, fresh and seasoned cheeses, including mozzarella, provolone, pecorino and caciotta.
GEA 推出的 CF 凝固器装置能够完成奶凝固、凝乳切割、凝乳/乳清摇晃、冷却或加热流程,以获得最大产出。 这些系统可以灵活地选择凝乳加工方式,可以使用酶加工,可以使用柠檬酸加工,也可以同时使用酶和柠檬酸加工。
圆筒式凝固罐配有蒸汽加热夹套,可用于加热,也可用于保持凝乳温度。 喷头能够将凝乳酶均匀地散布到奶液中。 周期结束后,凝乳/乳清将通过罐底气动阀门排出,这个阀门也可用于排出清洗溶液。 凝乳搅拌器通过可靠且强大的伺服马达(配有机械减速器和变频器)驱动和控制。 生产过程由可编程式 PLC 管理,PLC 能够设置和控制周期内所有作业参数。 具备记忆功能,支持最多五种预设。
GEA 凝结圆筒的设计符合最严苛的保健和卫生要求。框架采用 AISI 304 不锈钢制成,罐内配有旋转式清洗喷头,便于加工周期完成后清洗或保持卫生。清洁管和旋转式喷头可连接至外部 CIP(原位清洗)设备。
The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.