Condensate from evaporation plants is used as process, cooling, and rinsing water or is directly discharged into a drainage ditch.
For this purpose, the condensate must be purified. Impurities in the condensate can be removed by membrane filtration, in the particular case by reverse osmosis, and high condensate qualities can be achieved.
蒸发过程产生的冷凝液含有杂质,例如化学需氧量 (COD)、离子和其他不需要的成分。为了作为工艺水重复使用,需要去除这些杂质。使用反渗透,可以生产离子含量低、电导率低的优质工艺水,然后在生产设施中重复使用。
GEA 可以根据每位客户的具体应用定制设计充分利用微滤、超滤、纳滤或反渗透技术的膜过滤系统。
GEA 使用结实的陶瓷膜进行的错流过滤可有效地从罐底回收啤酒。模块化工厂采用紧凑的模块式安装,有三种标准尺寸,处理能力约为 25,000 升/天、50,000 升/天和 100,000 升/天,具体取决于产品的干燥固体物含量。
专用的 AromaPlus 过滤系统支持灵活的过滤速度,并可配置分批和连续过滤,它建立在反渗透 (RO) 膜过滤技术的基础上。
GEA 的错流膜过滤装置专门设计用于提供清澈、无色、无味且无香味的中性酒精基材。含酒精苏打水中使用的中性酒精基材来自没有蒸馏步骤的发酵过程。
To support community engagement, GEA offers employees one day of paid time off per year.
How do you lead a dairy farm into the next generation while ensuring a sustainable future and animal welfare while managing increasing complexity? This is a question almost every dairy farmer around the world must consider. The...
After reaching its Mission 26 targets two years early, GEA launches Mission 2030 strategy with focus on growth, value and making a positive impact.