AutoRotor Magnum 40 最大的优势是高效率:仅在一小时内,一个挤奶员最多就能对 100 头奶牛挤奶。这是通过智能入口系统和符合生物体工程学的挤奶畜栏设计实现的。所有组件都是无缝连接在一起的,可以方便地进行扩展。挤奶畜栏相互之间成 40° 角,以便您的同事能快速接触到乳房。创新的挤奶臂可对此提供帮助,因为挤奶杯组是自动放置在乳房下方的。在挤奶流程结束时,它会将挤奶杯组移开,奶牛就可以离开挤奶厅了。GEA 提供各种适用于等待区域的赶牛机和解决方案,以帮助奶牛进入挤奶厅。优势:作为系统提供商,GEA 知道现代化奶牛场的要求,并创建易于扩展的系统。
Design loading just as you wish: with EasyEntry every cow coming from the waiting area moves smoothly to the next free milking stall. With SingleFlow, cow after cow enters the platform quickly through a central gate. Ergonomic, rounded stall dividers direct the cow to the animal-friendly milking stall. Together with the front gate, they ensure a precise indexing procedure. Set up at an angle of 40°, the cow stands securely and comfortably in the ideal attaching position. Feeding with concentrate can take place during milking via optional feeding troughs.
即使是对 AutoRotor Magnum 40 转盘式挤奶厅进行清洁,在设计上也考虑到了最小的细节:
AutoRotor Magnum 40 的重要技术和软管是在挤奶畜栏下方受到保护的,以防止其接触到污物和水。这就简化了 AutoRotor Magnum 40 在所有层面上所需的工作:进入挤奶厅时,挤奶期间和清洁挤奶畜栏时。
The carousel milking system’s design has been thought through down to the last detail and can be expanded as needed. Increase work efficiency with an automatic crowd gate in the waiting area, simplify cow management with selection equipment. The robust concrete platform and heavy-duty steel surfaces make cleaning easy. While water and dirt flow quickly off the sloped deck, technology and hoses are protected under the platform. Minimal effort for a hygienic working environment with everything ready for the next milking!
这款行业首创专利技术,能在挤奶结束时通过奶衬头部自动进行挤奶后药浴,还能在脱杯后进行自动反冲洗 - 帮助实现每头牛的优秀挤奶。
IQ 的革命性四通道技术可确保您始终有最佳的牛奶质量、数量和牛的乳房健康状况。使用简单!更容易连接、挤奶和维护。
Classic 300 和 Classic 300E 挤奶杯组使挤奶更轻柔、更高效。其模块化设计意味着它们可以灵活、方便地适应不断变化的条件。
拥有合适的挤奶杯组定位系统可以同时提高舒适度和产量。GEA 提供一系列智能解决方案,可将其无缝添加到您的挤奶厅中。
GEA's innovative process marks a milestone in the pretreatment of biofuels such as hydro-treated vegetable oil and sustainable aviation fuel. By eliminating the bleaching process, manufacturers benefit from significant savings potential: over 50% lower operating costs and up to 12% less CO2 emissions.
The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.