Wired control for lagoon and articulated PTO pump hydraulic functions
This new wired remote is available with 8 different faceplates for different pump configurations. It is possible to add an optional wireless remote to control certain functions of the wired control. The wired control on the pump is required before adding the wireless remote control option.
Wireless remote control to operate loading functions from the manure tanker tractor
The wireless remote control has the ability to control select hydraulic functions of the pump from a radius distance of up to 300 ft (91.5 m). This wireless remote is ideally suited for changing the rotative valve from agitation to loading mode, as well as maneuvering the articulated loading pipe. These options allow an operator to position a manure tanker and operate loading functions of the manure pump without leaving the tractor cab.
Quick and easy control of the PTO pump hydraulic functions from either the pump or the manure tank tractor. Strict distance parameters for operation set for higher safety level. Increased loads per hour and decreased operator fatigue because of the time saved staying in the tractor while loading their spreaders.
GEA 提供的铰接泵的原理是通过牢固的 3 点连接架和两个液压控制铰接接头将泵连接至牵引车,从而能够将泵定位于氧化塘或混凝土集粪池中。
铰接式超级泵使用最低 80 马力(仅 540 转/分)的牵引车搅匀并输送垫料含量有限的液体粪污或猪粪浆。
20% 性能提升允许更快速的搅拌和装载。我们的首要任务是不管粪污的稠度如何,都向您提供最高的性能。这是 GEA 开发 17 英寸(432 毫米)叶轮的原因 – 高效处理液体粪污。
它们提供五种不同长度:32、42、52、62 和 72 英尺(10、13、16、19 和 22 米),并且提供广泛的结实稳固拖车选择。GEA 的 Lagoon Agi-Pompe 将提供优异的稳定性以实现安全工作。
The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.