
EL44 可转向洒粪车

Our directional spreader offers excellent maneuverability and control on all types of terrain. Its agility results in less ground impact when turning. Its field proven power-steering system and superior quality suspension provide more resistance to obstacles. The air brake system is designed to guarantee maximum braking power and meet ASABE standards.
The walls of the reservoir are made of high quality steel, 1/4" (6 mm) thick. Baffles are installed inside the reservoir providing excellent manure stability. As all of our manure management line of equipment, our spreaders are coated with a layer of Epoxy primer and 2 layers of Urethane paint making them resistant to extreme conditions. Because we believe that a good product must looked after, we have integrated several easily accessible lubricating points as well as openings for cleaning on top of the reservoir.

EL44 系列洒粪车 上带有 VogelSang SwingUp(15 米)工具杆转接器

  • 高效、经济、环保的滴流管系统带来优势。 
  • 来自知名生产商的工具杆,符合南北美洲之外的多数国家或地区的现有标准。 
  • 将 EL44 系列洒粪车 的耐用和高制造质量与客户普遍使用的工具杆类型相结合。 
  • 需要低牵引力的轻质工具杆。 
  • 工作宽度 15 米。



  • 确保操作更加安全
  • 减少对农作物的损害并消除洒粪车轮毂、车轴和底盘上的张力


此 30 厘米行程悬挂在所有车轮上均匀分布重量,从而可在崎岖地带更平稳地行驶,并减少对储罐产生的压力。悬挂气缸靠近储罐重心。当洒粪车满载时,此独特设计会降低牵引杆上的过载震动,并改善牵引车的牵引。

  • 刚性驱动桥结合靠近车轮安装的悬挂气缸,减少崎岖地形常见的“反弹效应”。
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