适用于乳制品应用的 GEA DICON® 技术

适用于乳制品的 GEA DICON® 连续式在线混料机

GEA DICON® in-line blending equipment for dairy applications is well recognized by the industry as a great go-to technology for blending yogurt and fruit, or for the standardization of milk-based products. Our technology is designed to consistently and accurately blend liquid media in the right ratios, in-line, in the pipe.



适用于乳制品应用的 GEA DICON® 在线混料设备被业界公认为是调配酸奶和水果或标准化奶基产品的绝佳技术。我们的技术旨在以正确的比例在管道中连续准确地混合液体介质。 

GEA DICON-Y® 连续式在线混料系统是我们为酸奶和水果混合物设计的。

GEA DICON-Y® 系统配有动态混合器,有助于确保完全混合仅少量添加到主流中的原料。动态混合器技术还降低了粗颗粒堵塞系统的风险。旋转式活塞泵以低流速工作,进一步有助于防止压碎,并保持敏感原料的温和混合。泵是变频控制的,因此无需使用调节阀。即使产量波动,数字调节器也能保持混合原料的比例恒定。

GEA DICON®-Y 系统的特征

  • 温和的产品加工
  • 对高达 1.000.000 CP 的产品进行多功能加工 
  • 在管道中均匀混合产品意味着不需要混合罐 
  • 精确的计量设备有助于确保准确的混合 
  • 数字控制器完全补偿偏差 
  • 系统中仅留存少量产品,可实现快速出料 
  • 经过车间测试的紧凑型系统


The continuous in-line blending system is our design for yoghurt and fruit mixtures.


  • Gentle product processing
  • Versatile processing for products of up to 1.000.000 CP 
  • Mixed products homogeneously in the pipeline means no mixing tanks are required 
  • Precise metering devices help to ensure accurate blending 
  • Digital controller completely compensates for deviations 
  • Small product quantities only are included in the system, enabling fast availability 
  • Compact, workshop-tested system


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