通过VARINLINE®过程连接,可以对在VARINLINE®外壳中的仪表进行适配调整。许多制造商已经考虑了这种既定的过程连接类型,并提供标准安装在VARINLINE®配件中的仪表。 这样可确保将不同的设备卫生快速地集成到加工系统中。
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在当前加工技术中,一个工厂中的固定式管线系统形成永久封闭式系统,这让操作员无法直观地看到生产流程。将管道与 VARINLINE® 外壳装配在一起,控制和测量仪器可以安装在管线系统中,用以监视生产过程。
The gas expansion thermometer is characterized by its robust design and the ideal, fully welded installation within the VARINLINE® process connections.
GEA's innovative process marks a milestone in the pretreatment of biofuels such as hydro-treated vegetable oil and sustainable aviation fuel. By eliminating the bleaching process, manufacturers benefit from significant savings potential: over 50% lower operating costs and up to 12% less CO2 emissions.
The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.