
RVZ 止回阀

Check valves open autonomously by the pressure which is exerted by the working medium upon the valve disc. They start to open at a differential pressure of 0.01 to 0.05 bar and are fully open between 0.1 and 0.2 bar. As soon as the flow is interrupted or the flow direction is reversed, the valve closes automatically. The closing function is supported by the elastic force of the spring or by the valve disc’s own weight. RVZ check valves are designed for installation between two counterflanges that are attached directly to the valve housing. With this design the medium flow is not being diverged as it is the case for other check valve types. GEA check valves are designed for installation in the refrigerant circulation of industrial refrigeration systems. They are installed on the pressure or suction side of compressors or in pipes in which only one direction of flow is intended.

GEA AWP止回阀是自动启动的锁定装置。它们通过工作介质施加在阀板上的压力而打开。一旦流量中断或流向反转,阀门就会自动锁定。锁定功能由弹簧的弹力或阀板的自重支撑。GEA AWP止回阀采用夹式设计,适用于安装在工业制冷系统的制冷剂循环中。它们安装在压缩机的压力侧或吸入侧,或安装在只允许一个流动方向的管道中。GEA AWP止回阀无需维护。


  • 采用钢或不锈钢
  • 根据德国 DIN EN12284、AD2000 系列 W 选择阀体材料
  • 工作介质:符合EN 378-1的乙二醇基冷盐水制冷剂以及与冷冻机油的混合物;中性、气体和液体介质;乙二醇基冷盐水
  • 对于不同的安装位置和流动方向,可带和不带减振器
RVZ 止回阀
标称尺寸DN 40-350
标称压力水平PS 25, PS 40, PS 63
温度范围-60 °C 至 +150 °C
GEA AWP RVZ Check Valve

Check Valve type RVZ


GEA 洞察

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