Poultry producers today face the dual challenge of increasing operational efficiency and creating additional value in a competitive market. At GEA, we understand these demands and are dedicated to providing advanced solutions that streamline your processes from start to finish.
Our comprehensive portfolio addresses every aspect of poultry processing, including preparation and marination of fresh poultry, coating, cooking, smoking, slicing, and packaging of processed poultry products. Together, we can tackle industry challenges with ingenuity, collaboration, and innovative solutions, moving the market forward and creating more value for your business.
Let GEA be your process technology partner as we aspire together to move the market forward.
Enhancing fresh poultry offers more than product safety and increased shelf life. The process has evolved into a way of adding value to the products through enhanced flavor, more appetizing color after cooking, higher yield and an appealing bite.
The right coating adds value to your poultry products. Coatings are formulated from a vast array of flours, seasonings, batters and breadcrumbs that enhance product appearance, texture and color, while locking in flavor and moisture.
Understanding the principles of cooking, and knowing how to apply them to poultry, is fundamental to the art of cooking. Getting it right allows you to serve the food chain with attractive, healthy and innovative poultry products. Using GEA solutions, you will be able to meet your customers’ demands and innovate to anticipate future trends.
For high-volume products such as calibrated poultry ham, you can depend on our high-capacity GEA One Line Concept for optimized productivity and reduced operating costs. The line has a compact footprint to maximize output per square meter in your facility. Its smart, modular design guarantees superior hygiene and effortless maintenance.
Packaging is key to distribution, preservation, and presentation, making your product stand out on the shelf. GEA provides the perfect solution for your vertical and thermoforming packaging challenges.
Full technology provider
GEA offers a comprehensive technology portfolio, covering everything from ingredient processing to marination, from forming to cooking, slicing, and packaging of products for retail, foodservice, and quick-service-restaurant markets.
GEA technology centers
Our network of GEA Technology centers provides support at every stage, offering lab tests, equipment trials, and process optimization. With expertise in food technology and innovative machinery, we help manufacturers achieve consistent quality and profitability.
Sustainable, efficient and hygienic
Complete the form below and speak to one of our packaging experts or order the thermoforming or VFFS sample box.
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دورق الفصل ذو 3 مراحل هو جهاز طرد مركزي يتم فيه فصل سائلين من كثافات مختلفة عن بعضهما. يتم فصل الجوامد وتفريغها في الوقت ذاته.
Whether you defrost, melt or thaw using a refrigerator, heating your product or add cold water. It is very hard to control the way your product is reacting and you usually need long time frames to do it.
Loading of shingle, stack, zig zag, shaved, interleaved or any contour portions in a most efficient way?
تُعد أدوات القطع من GEA أكثر الآلات عالمية ومرونة تقريبًا لجميع المهام التجهيزية حيث يُستخدم الخلط وتقليل الجسيمات والاستحلاب.
60 years of Food Processing
Aftermovie 60 years GEA Food Processing
CALLIFREEZE® - a new freezer control system
الأبقار الصحية والسعيدة هي الأساس لإنتاج الحليب بشكل ناجح ومستدام. وبالتالي، الحفاظ على صحة الأبقار هو جوهر جهود كل مزارع الألبان. هناك العديد من العوامل التي تؤثر على صحة البقرة، مثل التغذية الملائمة وفقًا لاحتياجات البقرة الفردية،...
تبذل الشركات المصنعة في جميع المجالات قصارى جهدها لتحقيق أهداف صافي الانبعاثات الصفري مع الالتزام باللوائح السارية والتشريعات الصارمة المتعلقة بنزع الكربون. وفي الوقت نفسه، يجب على الشركات تحقيق التوازن بين الطلب المتزايد على...
القهوة، الكاكاو، الحليب، اللحوم، الأسماك والبيض - تعتمد هذه المواد الغذائية الأساسية على الزراعة الكثيفة بشكلٍ كبير. ولكن أصبحت لدينا بدائل أكثر استدامة مع ظهور تكنولوجيات الأغذية الجديدة. جلسنا مع الدكتور رايمار جوت، نائب الرئيس...