الدواجن واللحوم والمأكولات البحرية
Deliciously juicy on the inside and light and crispy on the outside – this is what the golden standard chicken nugget is all about. First introduced in the 80’s, nowadays a corner stone in fast food, the chicken nugget has come a long way and is definitely here to stay.
Evolving from hand-cut chunks of chicken breast to formed poultry filet mix, either fry-cooked to cook-fried, during production manufacturers continuously look for consistent product quality, maximum yield, food safety and attractive appearance. But how to achieve this? If you really wants to go for the so-called ‘golden standard’ nugget, you need to excel in every stage of the production process, starting from the ingredients and their preparation, moving to forming and tempura mixing, up to cooking, frying, freezing and packaging. With all the know-how about the tempura application, built up over the past 50 years, GEA is the partner to go for gold.
The way in which the product is mixed is critical to the success of the forming process. Through many years of developing mixing technology GEA has perfected the process. By measuring the torque within the GEA ProMix as the product is chilled, GEA engineers can help customers to hit the optimum level of chilling every time, taking the guess work away and allowing the GEA MaxiFormer to run continuously for many hours without clogging. If customers experience difficulties in getting the mix right, GEA Food Technologists will work with them, until it’s perfect.
'It's all in the mix' also applies on the tempura batter mix as consistent tempura viscosity is essential for optimizing pick-up, therefore avoiding give-away and ensuring crunchiness of the product. With GEA TempuMixer II manufacturers can achieve that.
GEA frying equipment helps you achieve crisp, crunchy and golden-colored nuggets. The formed and coated nuggets are flash fried in GEA EasyFry to stabilize the coating and give color. Designed to meet the highest safety standard, the fryer features low oil consumption, self-supportive oil filtration and recipe control and with our oil management solutions you can extend your oil lifespan up to 5 times!
During cooking the goal is to fully cook the product to guarantee food safety and to achieve the desired yield and juiciness of the end-product. The flash-fried nuggets go through GEA CookStar three-phase spiral oven, where steam and heat is added. Steam has a lot of latent heat and is therefore very effective to transfer energy into the nugget. Due to the higher humidity less moist is lost, therefore achieving higher yields.
Mixing, forming, coating, frying, cooking, freezing and packaging, GEA can supply the complete automated tempura coated nugget line
GEA installed the first fully automated chicken nugget line at Danpo A/S in Denmark, leader in fully cooked chicken products. On this line they produce a range of chicken nuggets under its ‘Your Chicken’ brand. The line includes the GEA MaxiFormer at its heart, providing high-quality nuggets in a fully automatic, high production process, using the minimum of labor. Watch the video to see how they grind, mix, coat, cook, fry, freeze and pack chicken nuggets day in, day out with only 2 operators.
يتم عرض 4 من 8
تُعد قمة التحكم T.VIS® هي النظام الأمثل لمراقبة صمامات GEA ورصدها من سلسلة المتغيرات VARIVENT®, ECOVENT® & T الذكية.
الكفتة، قطع اللحم الحلقية، ساتاي... من خلال معدات التشكيل المقدمة من GEA لا يوجد حد تقريبًا للأشكال والأحجام التي يمكنك ابتكارها.
معرفة كيفية طهي منتج ما وفهم مبادئ الطهي هو أساس فن الطهي. تساعدك أفران GEA على خدمة السلسلة الغذائية بأغذية جذابة وصحية ومبتكرة.
تقدم لك مجموعة الخلاطات عالية الأداء ومطاحن الخلاطات المجمعة اختيار الجهاز الذي يطابق تمامًا متطلبات المعالجة لديك.
First fully automated chicken nuggets line installed at Danpo
GEA - MaxiFormer
GEA Batch2Flow in action
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القهوة، الكاكاو، الحليب، اللحوم، الأسماك والبيض - تعتمد هذه المواد الغذائية الأساسية على الزراعة الكثيفة بشكلٍ كبير. ولكن أصبحت لدينا بدائل أكثر استدامة مع ظهور تكنولوجيات الأغذية الجديدة. جلسنا مع الدكتور رايمار جوت، نائب الرئيس...