بيان صحفي تجاري

ConsiGma® 4.0 from GEA makes Continuous Manufacturing Technology available to all

23 Jun 2020

ConsiGma® 4.0 is ready for the industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

Based on three pillars of flexibility, modularity and affordability, the ConsiGma® 4.0 range is highly configurable, proven and fully compatible with Industry 4.0. “ConsiGma® 4.0 is ready for the industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)." (Graphic: GEA).

Richard Steiner, GEA  Global Sales Director, Continuous Technologies. (Photo: GEA)

Richard Steiner, GEA Global Sales Director, Continuous Technologies. (Photo: GEA)

GEA ConsiGma® 4.0

GEA has repositioned it’s ConsiGma® portfolio to ensure that new drugs can be brought to market Bringing new therapeutics to market in a safe and efficient way. (Photo: licensed by adobe stock)

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