GEA clarifiers are used in the dairy industry to improve milk quality. The most important part of clarifying milk is the separation of non-milk solids (NMS).
One of the biggest drawbacks of filters is the drop in flow rate over time because a thicker and thicker filter layer builds up. Running time is limited. The entire milk flow is passed through the filter layer. This allows bacteriological problems to arise due to entrainment; there is a risk of bacterial growth in the filter layer and thus reinfection of the milk. What is more, if there are cracks in the filter tissue, the clarifying effect is considerably reduced. Cleaning the filters after production is also an extremely laborious process.
GEA generally supplies clarifiers with a hydrosoft feed system. This system combines the benefits of the GEA softstream and a hydrohermetic feed.
The large number of individual separation chambers arranged in parallel between the discs divides the milk stream into many thin layers. This minimizes the sedimentation route. A solids particle is considered separated once it has reached the bottom disc surface of the top disc. Flow speed is low here. The particle is no longer entrained with the flow, but slides outwards under the influence of centrifugal force. At the end of the disc, it leaves the separation chamber.
In addition to providing adjustable partial ejections, the GEA ejection system also allows the bowl to be emptied completely.
With total ejections, the complete bowl contents are discharged. The feed to the separator has to be interrupted briefly to do this. Total ejections clean all the surfaces inside the bowl due to the very high flow velocities. This is particularly important for chemical CIP of the line and separator. Total ejections of a separator during CIP guarantee optimum results.
Clarifiers for milk or whey with flat belt drive
Clarifiers for milk or whey with integrated drive
Clarifiers for the recovery of calcium phosphate
The hygienic design of types and MSI is certified by 3-A sanitary standards.
Milk or Whey
Types ecoclean / ecoclear / MSE:
Additionally for type ecoclear:
Additionally for type MSC:
Additionally for type MSI:
Types ecoclean / ecoclear / MSE / MSI / MSC:
Additionally for types ecoclean / ecoclear / MSE / MSC:
Additionally for types MSC / MSE:
Direct drive. Direct Impact. Separators with exchangeable direct drives.
How our centrifugal clarifying separator works
Let’s get connected – digital solutions for GEA centrifuges
كان خبراء البحث والتطوير في GEA على قدر التحدي عندما طرحت Pulmuone، وهي شركة كورية جنوبية متخصصة في إنتاج الأغذية النباتية، تحديًا لـ GEA يتمثل في إضفاء لمسة حديثة على النودلز الكورية الباردة التقليدية ذات القوام الواضح في الفم (النينجميون). وساعدوا في تطوير ما أصبح الآن نجاحًا تجاريًا يتم إنتاجه باستخدام كميات أقل من المياه والكهرباء مقارنةً بالطرق المستخدمة سابقًا. وتتوافق النتيجة أيضًا مع الأصول التقليدية للطبق بالإضافة إلى جذور Pulmuone في الصحة والعافية والاستدامة.
تشكل عمليات GEA المبتكرة علامة فارقة في المعالجة المسبقة للوقود الحيوي مثل الزيت النباتي المعالج بالهيدروجين ووقود الطيران المستدام. من خلال التخلص من عملية التبييض، تستفيد الشركات المصنعة من إمكانات توفير كبيرة: تكاليف تشغيل أقل بنسبة تزيد عن 50% وانبعاثات أقل من ثاني أكسيد الكربون بنسبة تصل إلى 12%.