Rotating Cleaners

Free Rotating Cleaners Turbodisc & Chemidisc

The free rotating spray cleaners Turbodisc and Chemidisc offer low cost and professional cleaning performance by instant uniform coverage of all internal surfaces. Therefore they are suitable for the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries where FDA compliance, and heightened standards of hygiene and performance are necessary.

GEA Free Rotating Cleaner



  • Economic flow rates
  • Easy to maintain
  • Hygienic design
  • Hydrodynamic bearing
  • Insensitive to blockage
  • FDA conform
  • SIP through the nozzle possible
  • Preferred mounting position: any
  • Available for tank safety system VARITOP®


Wash fluid entering the Turbodisc is directed onto the precision shaped disc. Hydrodynamic bearings allow the disc to rotate friction free at high speed and any installation angle.


The Turbodisc is perfectly suitable for cleaning small and medium size process vessels, reactors, driers, granulators, storage tanks, tablet coating machines and IBCs in food, beverage, biotech, pharmaceutical and other hygiene conscious industries.



  • Economic flow rates
  • Ball bearing free-increased service life
  • Maintenance free
  • Hydrodynamic bearing
  • FDA conform
  • Preferred mounting position: any
  • Chemical resistant – ideal for corrosive environments
  • Lightweight construction – safer in glass lined vessels
  • Effective wash – due to high rotation speed


Chemidisc has a unique ball bearing free design, meaning no shedding of metal bearing debris and no failure to rotate.Chemidisc has only one moving part, the rotating disc which rides friction free on a hydraulic bearing which instantly converts the wash fluid into a sphere of fast moving droplets, distributing the fluid in a complete and uniform manner. Total surface cover is achieved as fast moving, high power droplets simultaneously reach the entire surface of the tank, inlet pipe and overhead nozzleswhere contamination frequently occurs.


The Chemidisc range is available in a wide variety of sizes and is designed for use in harsh chemical environments, as a Hastelloy alternative and in glass lined vessels. These spray cleaners are constructed in carbon filled PTFE dissipate static electricity in potentially explosive atmospheres. Pure PTFE compliant Chemidiscs are used in many pharmaceutical and other applications where the cleaning solution is corrosive to stainless steel. The Chemidisc cost effectiveness and reliability is specified by end users, OEMs and contract design companies.

فيديوهات ذات صلة

Cleaning Technology | GEA Chemidisc 150

Cleaning Technology | GEA Turbodisc 75

تكنولوجيا التنظيف

أبطال الظل في تنظيف الخزانات الذكي.

تقليل الحرارة وأوقات التنظيف ومواد التنظيف باستخدام أنواع منظفات الخزانات المناسبة.
أبطال السلامة المخفيون

أبطال السلامة المخفيون

تقوم تقنية تنظيف الخزان الصحية بعملها حيثما لا يمكن للعين رؤيتها. ومع ذلك، فهي هامة جدًا لضمان السلامة الصحية والاستدامة وفترة صلاحية الأغذية والمشروبات والمنتجات الصيدلانية، من بين أمور أخرى كثيرة. نسلط الضوء على كيفية مساعدة مكون النظام دائم التطور هذا في تحقيق فوائد متزايدة للشركات المصنعة وعمال المصانع والمستهلكين والبيئة.


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