Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) diminishes post-combustion NOx by reacting with urea or ammonia to produce nitrogen and water.
Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) is a way of converting Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) with the aid of a catalyst into nitrogen (N2) and water (H2O) at a lower temperature level.
The reductant, typically aqueous ammonia or urea solution is added, injected to the exhaust gas stream for the selective catalytic reduction.
Catalytic oxidation activity (CO/VOC) is achieved by additional impregnation with noble metals.
GEA was the first company to use and continuously improve selective catalytic reduction (SCR) in the glass industry, in the cement industry and now also in metallurgical industry.
With the operating data, the performance measurements carried out and the activity studies of the catalysts used, GEA is constantly adding to its experience for process optimization and for the benefit of users in all industrial sectors.
GEA offers two selective Catalytic Reduction Solutions to control NOx:
يتم عرض 2 من 2
BisCat ceramic filters with an embedded catalyst matrix consists of vanadium pentoxide, allow for the removal of particulates, sorption processes for acidic gases, reduction of NOX and the decomposing of dioxins, VOC`s. The filter elements are chemically inert and corrosion resistant. Gas cleaning in one step. A multifunctional filter for the sim...
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