Limited Intervention Fillers
The Limited Intervention Filler range is designed to enable customers to fully automate their powder packing plant from the in-feed of empty bags right through to the finished product store.
In today’s world the safety of our customer's personnel and their product are paramount. That is why we designed the ‘Li’ system to be an extension of the automated powder manufacturing process.
The ‘Li’ system delivers a safe, hygienic bag handling and filling solution for powdered products offering the highest levels of accuracy and reliability. The system is designed to run with low operator input, with the only manual requirement being for cleaning and maintenance. The high operational efficiency of the system virtually eliminates the need for a full time operator inside the packing room, leaving the them free to attend to other areas of the production process.
With our many years of experience in the powder filling market, GEA has shown that in order to maintain a process in a steady state, total control is required.
The design of the ‘Li’ system addresses this by fully controlling the bag throughout the entire bag filling and closing process. In doing this we can be confident that, apart from the operator loading a product recipe and starting the machine, the built in automation takes control to maximize the machine output and thus allows the entire filling area to be fully enclosed. This fully enclosed system means that the risk to product and operation is virtually eliminated.
Key Features include:
The Limited Intervention Filler range starts with the RBF-500Li which has been designed to fill powdered food, dairy and nutraceutical products at rates of up to 5MT/hr. The system features an integrated bag loading and filling system which employs our "bottom-up" filling process for accurate, dust free filling.
The filled bag is compacted and presented to the integrated heat sealing system without releasing the top of the bag and thereby ensuring the most reliable bag handling operation. This functionality also means that there is no requirement for secondary bag leveling which further reduces the risk of bag damage due to misalignment.
The small footprint and fully integrated components means that this system can be quickly installed and up an running. This reduces the plant down-time for installations which have a tight schedule and this means that the return on investment is also shorter.
The RBF800Li, RBF-1000Li and the flagship RBF-1200Li are our larger models for packing rates of up to 8, 10 or 12MT/hr. Although the principle operation is the same, these larger models feature multiple heads which split the filling and bag handling processes into stages which results in a higher throughput.
Our Modified Atmosphere Packing option can be optionally supplied with the "Li" range. This option enables customers to pack products which are oxygen sensitive or which they need to preserve for extended periods. Refer to our Modified Atmosphere Packing section for more details on this option.
Limited Intervention Filler - RBF-800Li
تساعد تكنولوجيا التعبئة في محيط معدل (M.A.P.) من GEA العملاء في إطالة العمر التخزيني لمنتجاتهم من المساحيق. فمن خلال نزع الأكسجين من المسحوق واستبداله بغاز خامل، يحتفظ المسحوق بنكهته لمدة أطول.
تشمل مناولة الحاويات من GEA حلول معدات تلبي الاحتياجات المتنوعة لمصانع تعبئة المساحيق. تم اختيار هذه المكونات لتوفر خط معالجة كامل للأكياس التي تمت تعبئتها وصولا إلى مخزن المنتجات تامة الصنع.
تعبئة المسحوق الآلية بالكامل للمنشآت ذات القدرة الإنتاجية المنخفضة. تضمن HYGiPac R1 تعبئة عالية الجودة لمساحيق الأغذية الحساسة بمعدلات تصل إلى 3 طن متري/ساعة.
لا شيء
GEA HYGiPac R2 Compact Bag Filler
GEA Integrated Powder Filling and Palletizing System
تشكل عمليات GEA المبتكرة علامة فارقة في المعالجة المسبقة للوقود الحيوي مثل الزيت النباتي المعالج بالهيدروجين ووقود الطيران المستدام. من خلال التخلص من عملية التبييض، تستفيد الشركات المصنعة من إمكانات توفير كبيرة: تكاليف تشغيل أقل بنسبة تزيد عن 50% وانبعاثات أقل من ثاني أكسيد الكربون بنسبة تصل إلى 12%.
يضع تغير المناخ والنمو السكاني العالمي ضغوطًا متزايدة على صناعة الأغذية كثيفة الاستهلاك للطاقة لإطعام المزيد من الناس دون الإضرار بالكوكب، ويشرح جورج شيبرد، مدير تكنولوجيا الاستدامة العالمية في GEA، كيف تستخدم GEA خبرتها الهندسية لمساعدة المعالجات على الإنتاج بشكل أكثر استدامة مع زيادة الإنتاجية.