Double-seat valves

FLOWVENT Mixproof valves

State-of-the-art for your secure applications: GEA FLOWVENT Mixproof valves are used for the hygienically safe shut-off of incompatible media at pipe intersections.

State-of-the-art for your secure applications:

GEA FLOWVENT Mixproof valves are used for the hygienically safe shut-off of incompatible media at pipe intersections.


In the closed state of the valve (non-actuated position) there are always two seals between the separate pipelines. If one seal should become defective, the resulting leakage can flow off from the leakage outlet to the periphery in a targeted manner without mixing with the product in the second pipeline. In this way it is ensured that no mixing occurs between the media in two pipelines.


Hygienic applications in dairy before heat-treatment or e.g. in fermentation and storage tank farms and in the brewing and beverage industries.

Technical data of the standard version

Recommended flow directionAgainst the closing direction
Material in contact with productAISI 316L
Material not in contact with productAISI 304
Seal material in contact with productEPDM, FKM
Ambient temperature0 to 45°C
Air supply pressure6 bar (87 psi)
Product pressure5 bar (73 psi)
Surface in contact with productRa ≤ 0,8 μm
External housing surfaceMatte
Control and feedback systemFLOWVENT Control top
Actuator typePneumatic actuator air / spring
Connection fittingsWelding end
IdentificationAdhesive label
Valve seat versionWelded seat ring


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