Fully Automatic Double-Sided Rotary Press

R253 Tablet Press

The R253 is a heavy duty, fully automatic rotary high-speed industrial tablet press for single-layer/double-output or double-layer/single-output tablet production.

The R253 is a heavy duty, fully automatic rotary high-speed industrial tablet press for single-layer/double-output or double-layer/single-output tablet production. The R253 is designed for 24/7 operation with minimum maintenance to produce large volumes of tablets (such as detergents, catalysts, automotive parts, batteries, etc.). This machine can be used to produce tablets with one or multiple vertical holes.


  • Compression forces of up to 200 kN.
  • Single-layer and double-layer capability.
  • Pre-compression up to 10 kN is achieved using a pre-compression cam for extended dwell times, resulting in better powder deaeration and more uniform granule distribution in the die prior to final compression.
  • Maximum fill depth of 60 mm.
  • Take-off system is available for the horizontal removal of fragile tablets.
  • Isolated and sealed compression zone for powder confinement.
  • Tablet weight control based on force measurement.
  • Large double-paddle forced feeder with individual drives for each paddle.
  • Tool holders with high-pressure heads and cam-rolling bearings reduce wear and tear on the cams and compression rollers..
  • Punch tips in steel or tungsten carbide.
  • Multi-tip design is available for solid and ring-shaped tablets.
  • Nickel-coated steel turret, forged in one piece, features replaceable wear plates.
  • Standalone electrical cabinet.
  • Siemens PLC for machine control,/ industrial PC for database and MultiControl5 system with a user-friendly 21.5-inch HD touchscreen.
  • Highly rigid cast iron frame and a high-tension chassis.
  • Stainless-steel housing.
  • Dust extraction nozzles.
  • Automatic punch lubrication system

Technical specifications

The R253 is available in 2 executions:

Number of stations2739
Max. compression force [kN]200
Max. pre-compression force [kN]5
Maximum fill [mm]60
Max. range / set of fill cams [mm]25
Max. top punch penetration [mm]16 or 25* (*in case of bi-layer)
Punch-holder body diameter [mm]4840
Outside die diameter [mm]7048
Max. output capacity at compression force 150 kN [tab/h]96.000126.000
Max. output capacity at max. compression force [tab/h]69.000102.000
Press height [mm]2.810
Floor space [mm]1.500 x 1.400
Weight [kg]+/- 9.000

Get in touch with our expert team

To get in touch with our team of experts for industrial tablet compression, please click here.


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