Fully Automatic Double-Sided Rotary Press
The R253 is a heavy duty, fully automatic rotary high-speed industrial tablet press for single-layer/double-output or double-layer/single-output tablet production.
The R253 is a heavy duty, fully automatic rotary high-speed industrial tablet press for single-layer/double-output or double-layer/single-output tablet production. The R253 is designed for 24/7 operation with minimum maintenance to produce large volumes of tablets (such as detergents, catalysts, automotive parts, batteries, etc.). This machine can be used to produce tablets with one or multiple vertical holes.
The R253 is available in 2 executions:
Model | R253/27 | R253/39 |
Number of stations | 27 | 39 |
Max. compression force [kN] | 200 | |
Max. pre-compression force [kN] | 5 | |
Maximum fill [mm] | 60 | |
Max. range / set of fill cams [mm] | 25 | |
Max. top punch penetration [mm] | 16 or 25* (*in case of bi-layer) | |
Punch-holder body diameter [mm] | 48 | 40 |
Outside die diameter [mm] | 70 | 48 |
Max. output capacity at compression force 150 kN [tab/h] | 96.000 | 126.000 |
Max. output capacity at max. compression force [tab/h] | 69.000 | 102.000 |
Press height [mm] | 2.810 | |
Floor space [mm] | 1.500 x 1.400 | |
Weight [kg] | +/- 9.000 |
To get in touch with our team of experts for industrial tablet compression, please click here.
The R55 is a robust, exceptionally versatile industrial rotary press for single-layer tablet and component production. From nuclear fuel pellets, hard metals and batteries to confectionery.
The R233 is designed for single-layer / double-output or double-layer / single-output 24/7 tablet production with minimum maintenance to produce large volumes of tablets (such as salt tablets, catalysts, coffee pods, etc.), suitable for the processing of abrasive and corrosive powders.
For non-pharma applications, the PERFORMA P tablet press has been upgraded for high wear resistance to cope with abrasive powders.
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