Recycled textil tag, recycled materials
White t-shirt, blue sky, greens

“We’ve pioneered technology that returns polycotton waste back to the raw materials from which it was made, so fashion brands can reuse fibers and reduce harm to the Earth in the process."

Luke Henning

Chief Business Officer at Circ

“Circ’s team was just as passionate as us when it came to developing the perfect plant, the energy was such, that the relation turned into a partnership.”

Laurent Palierne

Director Evaporation & Crystallization at GEA

“Working with the GEA engineering team at their design offices in France has been a pleasure. The GEA design team is willing to communicate promptly and is highly flexible in overcoming design challenges. We look forward to continuing working with GEA on further process design development, which will enable Circ to successfully execute the first 100% poly-cotton textile recycling facility of its kind worldwide.”

Farid Ghaderi

SVP Engineering at Circ

Circ patented recycling technology

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