Reciprocating Compressors

GEA Grasso V XHP

The GEA Grasso V XHP compressors, that use natural refrigerants such as ammonia, are designed to minimize their environmental impact. With the ability to reach water temperatures of up to 95°C / 203°F and offering best-in-class efficiency, they are an ideal choice for heat pump systems.

GEA Grasso V XHP


The V series is designed to use the natural refrigerant ammonia (R717) to achieve the highest efficiency. It can be used for heating and cooling applications, and can achieve hot water temperatures of up to 95°C / 203°F.



The use of high-end materials and proven technology helps to ensure max. reliability. In addition to the standard benefits of the V series, a unique drain system and continuous safety monitoring are integrated in the design.



The electronically measured flexible and extended service intervals, minimize maintenance costs during the long service life of these compressors.



A unique welded compressor housing minimizes thermal losses due to excellent suction and discharge separation. Optimized gas flow within the compressor results in high efficiency and very low oil carryover.

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Reciprocating compressors

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GEA Grasso V series reciprocating compressor

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