Flash Dryer
Dry pastes, filter cakes and viscous slurries more cost-effectively with the SWIRL FLUIDIZER®
Designed to effectively dry high solid-content feeds without the need for pre-or post-process treatment, the SWIRL FLUIDIZER® is a great alternative to other forms of solid drying – fluid bed drying, ring drying, and traditional flash drying – for those applications where you would otherwise have to dilute the feed before pumping and atomization.
And unlike methods such as fluid bed drying, our SWIRL FLUIDIZER® technology can accommodate a wide range of particle shapes and size distribution, to reproducibly create a high quality final powder.
Features of the SWIRL FLUIDIZER® dryer:
In the feed tank, a vertical bottom driven agitator will disintegrate the highly viscous feed material into a homogeneous feed whereupon it is introduced into the drying chamber through a specially designed horizontal auger with controlled speed. Here, an air disperser with tangential inlet to the drying chamber provides the drying air, which has been heated to the optimal thermal efficiency applicable as regards the product’s heat sensitivity. The drying chamber is designed for optimal feed disintegration and distribution and, hence, controlled retention times which again will result in uniform products and optimal drying processes. The air passes through a filter separating out the dry powder discharging it to a powder handling system.
The Dual Feed System (patent pending)
The patent-pending Dual Feed System is ideal for products with too low solids content and thereby low viscosity – for example silica and titanium dioxide. This new principle of operation exploits the mixing already taking place in the drying chamber. Two inlet systems will ensure the immediate mix of dry powder and liquid feed, and thus the moisture will be distributed over the entire powder surface for rapid evaporation. The Dual Feed System is available for new installations and as a retrofit to existing units.
The SWIRL FLUIDIZER® is already used by the global chemical and agrochemical industries for processing a wide range of products, including powdered ceramics and pigments, herbicides and fungicides, organic and inorganic chemicals, and also for drying waste sludge and sediments.
We’re always ready to look at potential new applications for the SWIRL FLUIDIZER® in both mainstream and more niche applications. So, whether your product is a protein, starch or fiber, we can explore the potential to use the SWIRL FLUIDIZER® technology to process preconcentrated, or partially dried feeds. Just contact your local GEA representative, and let’s start the conversation.The SWIRL FLUIDIZER® can be an ideal system for products with a solids content that is too high to be pumped and spray dried, and which may be too lumpy to go into a fluid bed directly. The versatile technology can accommodate just about any feed that can be screw fed at a controllable rate.
As a one-step system the SWIRL FLUIDIZER® is relatively energy efficient and fast. The spin agitator system de-agglomerates, or disintegrates the feed into its primary particle sizes, as it dries. Compared with fluid bed drying, the SWIRL FLUIDIZER® can handle feeds with wider particle size distributions, including non-spherical particles. And in comparison with traditional flash drying or ring drying, our technology can also handle feeds that are more liquid.The SWIRL FLUIDIZER® can help to maximize use of your available space in three dimensions. Our system is more compact than a flash dryer and fluid bed combination, or a ring dryer with equivalent capacity. This means you may be able to site a SWIRL FLUIDIZER® in areas where other drying platforms would not fit, or would necessitate expensive modifications to building structure and layout.
The SWIRL FLUIDIZER® drying chamber is where evaporation, disintegration and powder classification take place. Air is introduced via a tangential air inlet, which creates air rotation that, in combination with action of the disintegrator, enables really fast moisture evaporation, so residence time in the dryer is relatively short. This makes the system energy efficient when compared with some other powder drying methods. The SWIRL FLUIDIZER® can run at really high temperatures, but for heat sensitive products we can configure the system with cooling at the hot air entrance.
Hot drying air is supplied to the air disperser at a controlled rate to ensure optimum thermal efficiency of the drying process. Customers commonly select a bag filter to collect the dried product and clean the spent drying air.The SWIRL FLUIDIZER® can operate at high temperatures, which makes it really efficient for chemical products that are not heat sensitive. This helps to reduce overall energy consumption, partly because of the lower residence times. The ability to effectively dry preconcentrated feeds that cannot be atomized in a spray dryer means that it’s also possible to use efficient methods to dewater significantly before drying. These factors in combination improve overall dryer efficiency, even for products that require lower drying temperatures. For some SWIRL FLUIDIZER® designs and applications it may also be possible to configure units with GEA AddCool® heat pump technology as well as with conventional heat recovery systems, to further improve energy efficiency and recycling.
Our focus on safety underpins the design and configuration of all our components, equipment and process lines. We’ll evaluate each SWIRL FLUIDIZER® setup and application and build in appropriate safety systems that may include, where appropriate, standardized fire safety technology, explosion vents, and our COTECTOR® automated carbon dioxide monitor. We can configure reinforced systems to protect against dust explosion, and where necessary, for hazardous feeds or applications that create non-water-based solvent residues we can configure closed cycle SWIRL FLUIDIZER® systems for drying in inert atmospheres.
GEA has developed technologies that can improve efficiency and quality, whatever your process or product. The SWIRL FLUIDIZER® can be compatible with our HotSwirl indirect heaters, SANICIP® II (for food applications) or TRH (food and non-food applications) bag filters, and for some applications, our CEE Cyclones.
Because we are GEA, we don’t just sell technology. We’ll sit down with you so we can get to understand your requirements, and challenges, and then working with you we’ll design the optimum SWIRL FLUIDIZER® for your process, product, and business needs. At our test center in Denmark GEA experts can answer all your questions, and demonstrate our technology at different scales, from pilot to industrial scale. We can help you demonstrate proof of concept, set up closed cycle systems, or evaluate switching from another drying method to our spin agitator system. We also have a rental SWIRL FLUIDIZER® unit that you can test at your own site.
Whether you are looking to set up a new drying process and need development support at ground level, or you are looking to switch, scale up or optimize an existing drying process, we can offer key technology, process and industry knowhow, backed by decades of experience working with customers in diverse industries. And if you do decide to invest, we will optimize and fine tune your SWIRL FLUIDIZER® system at installation so you can expect great results, right from day one.
We stand by the quality of our technologies and by our ongoing support, so we offer tailored packages of service that will help make sure your SWIRL FLUIDIZER® and associated GEA technologies give you top performance and efficiency, from day one, and for the lifespan of your plant.
And of course, our experts are always on hand to troubleshoot and help you maximize value both from your starting materials and from your investment in our equipment.
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