Tratamiento de aceite

Conceptos y equipos de altas prestaciones para sala de máquinas

Efficient fuel and lube oil treatment is essential for protecting marine diesel engines from contaminants that can damage critical components. Advanced centrifuge systems remove impurities like water and solids from low-grade fuels, enhancing engine performance and durability. Transitioning to sustainable biofuels offers an eco-friendly alternative, supporting global goals for reduced emissions without major engine modifications.

Header2 oil treatment
GEA ofrece tecnologías avanzadas y sistemas individuales para uso marino. Tanto ingeniería de sistemas de un solo proveedor, como mano de obra de alta calidad y servicios globales sin rival, GEA ofrece sistemas en los que puede confiar.
Descripción del producto

  • Sistemas de tratamiento y acondicionamiento de gasolina
  • Tratamiento del aceite lubricante
  • Eliminación de CatFine

Presión sobre los límites

GEA marine Separator

Pushing the limits.

Tecnología de separador innovadora con beneficios reales.
GEA marine Separator

Central Mare: full speed ahead with new GEA marine Separator

New, global legal requirements for marine protection and ever-increasing environmental awareness among the general public, along with the marine sector’s own desire to be more sustainable, means shipping companies are taking a close look at the fuels and lubricants they use on board.
GEA and Danaos Shipping cooperate on further development of separators - Installation of GEA marine Separator 35 on container ship ZIM LUANDA

GEA and Danaos Shipping cooperate on further development of separators - Installation of GEA marine Separator 35 on container ship ZIM LUANDA

Mile by mile better and more efficient: With the new GEA marine Separator 35 GEA supports its long-standing customer and partner Danaos Shipping, Greece. With a fleet of 60 container ships, Danaos Shipping ranks among the top 3 in the Greek shipping business. The company was founded in 1972 by Dr. Dimitris Koustas. Today, his son, Dr John Koustas, who also has more than 30 years of extensive experience in the shipping industry, is President and CEO. Danaos shipping is very active in researching innovations in ship operation and has participated in several EU-funded projects. The company is also an active member of the Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association (HELMEPA), Europe's first private association for the protection of the marine environment. Within the framework of the technical cooperation, it was therefore logical to install the new GEA marine Separator 35 on a Danaos ship, to test it under the given conditions and to incorporate the results in the further development of the GEA separators.
Marine Services

Keep your equipment fit with GEA Service

Seven seas. One revolutionary service concept.

Maintain your GEA separators for marine applications effortlessly with quick, OEM-standard exchange drives. Swap units in minutes for fast, reliable onboard performance.


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