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Tank bottoms

Tank bottom treatment is essential in the oil and gas industry to recover valuable hydrocarbons and minimize environmental impact. Effective cleaning and processing of tank bottoms ensure efficient oil recovery while reducing waste and disposal costs.

Benefits of our centrifuges
  • High efficiency in oil recovery
  • Enhanced separation 
  • Versatility in sludge compositions
  • Robust design
  • Continuous operation and minimal downtime
  • Reduced waste volumes
  • Environmentally friendly on-site treatment

The importance of tank bottom treatment

Tank bottoms refer to the residual sludges and sediments that accumulate at the bottom of storage tanks used in the oil and gas industry. These sludges contain a high percentage of recoverable oil, making them valuable products. However, they are known for being difficult to handle due to their high solids and emulsion content as well as their high viscosity.

Proper treatment of tank bottoms is crucial not only for recovering valuable hydrocarbons but also for minimizing environmental impact and reducing waste disposal costs. Untreated tank bottom sludge, which can contain 10-70% oil, 30-90% water and 5-20% solids, poses significant challenges due to its composition. If not treated on-site, this sludge must be either incinerated or transported to specialized treatment plants, both of which are costly and environmentally hazardous.

Efficient oil recovery with GEA centrifuges

GEA offers an advanced portfolio of separation technologies designed to effectively treat tank bottoms. Separator and decanter centrifuges provide an efficient solution for processing tank bottom sludge. These technologies are engineered to handle the complex composition of slop oils, which can have oil viscosities reaching up to 600 cSt at 50°C and specific gravity ranging from 0.8 to 0.96 g/ml. Additionally, GEA equipment is built to withstand the challenges posed by low pH values, high chloride concentrations, abrasive particles, organic solids and the presence of asphaltenes.

Maximize hydrocarbon recovery with GEA

GEA has developed a method to recycle oils from tank bottom sludge in an environmentally friendly manner, offering significant advantages to customers. The combined mechanical separation technology, used in several stages along with heating and chemical enhancements, enables the recovery of 80-95% of salable hydrocarbons. This not only adds value by recovering hydrocarbons that would otherwise be lost but also significantly reduces the total disposal costs. By integrating GEA separator and decanter centrifuges into the treatment process, oil companies can efficiently process tank bottom sludge, turning a challenging waste product into a valuable resource while minimizing environmental impact.


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