Bioethanol, which depends on the fermentation of plant-based sugars and starches, is a gasoline substitute. The most commonly used feedstocks are corn and sugar cane.
Ethanol production from starch-based feedstocks like corn and wheat, creates tons of stillage which can be used in animal feed, preferably as dried distiller’s grain with solubles (DDGS). Decanter centrifuges separate the stillage into a centrate called "thin stillage" which contains proteins and microfibers, and a solids phase called wet cake that contains the coarse constituents of the grain's fiber.
The centrate (thin stillage) with proteins, yeast and microfibers, is evaporated to produce a syrup, also known as "thick stillage". If corn is used as feedstock the thick stillage also contains corn oil that can be obtained with centrifugal separators to get the most out of your raw material and process. After deoiling the thick stillage is mixed with the wet cake from the decanter and dried to form DDGS.
In ethanol production from sugar-based feedstocks like sugar cane or molasses vinasse is produced in the distillation stage. After further concentration by evaporation the vinasse concentrate is treated by decanters. The finally obtained vinasse products are used as additives in animal feed and as fertilizer.
The smaller the diameter of the discharged solids or liquids in a decanter centrifuge, the less the energy consumption. GEA decanters for bioethanol are in deep-pond design. Deep-pond designs come with smaller solids and liquid discharge diameters (DS2 and DL2) than shallow-pond designs (DS1 and DL1) which makes them very energy efficient. The difference in energy consumption can be up to 30 percent.
The discharge diameter is one feature to reduce energy consumption, energy jets is another. GEA Energy Jets deflect the discharged liquid in such a way that it supports the bowl's rotation (right). This results in energy savings of up to 10 percent, compared with a decanter bowl without energy jets (left).
GEA Varipond C
Let’s get connected – digital solutions for GEA centrifuges
Let’s get connected – digital solutions for GEA separators and decanters
El innovador proceso de GEA marca un hito en el pretratamiento de biocombustibles como el aceite vegetal hidrotratado y el combustible de aviación sostenible. Al eliminar el proceso de decoloración, los fabricantes se benefician de un importante potencial de ahorro: más de un 50% menos de costes operativos y hasta un 12% menos de emisiones de CO2.
El cambio climático y el aumento de la población mundial ejercen una presión cada vez mayor sobre la industria alimentaria, que consume mucha energía, para alimentar a más personas sin afectar aún más al planeta. George Shepherd, Global Technical Sustainability Manager de GEA, explica cómo GEA utiliza sus conocimientos de ingeniería para ayudar a los procesadores a producir de forma más sostenible y, al mismo tiempo, aumentar la productividad.
The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.