
Decanter pharmMaster for Extraction Products

This decanter has been designed for extraction products.

Decanters for Extraction

Decanters are a very efficient means of carrying out solid-liquid extraction with a high solids content. Before entering the decanter, the extraction product, which has previously been comminuted, broken down or ground down, is mixed intensively with the extraction agent in a separate mixer. The inlet through which the suspension flows into the decanter is arranged axially in relation to the rotating bowl. The solid-wall bowl has a cylindrical section for efficient clarification of the liquid and a conical section for dewatering the solids. The scroll, which rotates with a slight differential speed relative to the bowl, conveys the solids (extraction residue) to the solids discharge at the conical end of the bowl. The extract is conveyed to the cylindrical end of the bowl where it is discharged via a centripetal pump.  

Explosion-Protected Centrifuges

  • Gas-tight decanters from GEA comply with the test criteria of the strict European ATEX standard.
  • The oxygen atmosphere in the decanter is displaced with inert gas and the excess pressure is maintained during operation to assure inert gas blanketing.  

Features & Benefits

  • GEA summation-drive with intelligent kinematics for high differential speeds and torques which enables processing of high solid capacities. High efficiency of the drive since the variable speed motor feeds in energy and does not brake   
  • All product-contacting parts are made of high-alloyed stainless steels
  • Depending on the application, the gaskets are made of NBR, FKM or EPDM   
  • Chemical cleaning after separation

Centrifuge - Clarifying Decanter CF 4000 / 6000


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