GEA G-Plex®

GEA G-Plex — our new automation product (coming soon)

GEA G-Plex®

GEA G-Plex® is a new, proprietary, user-friendly, electronic module that provides built-in, automatic, optimal volume ratio (Vi) control and on-site and off-site monitoring of the performance of the compressor. G-Plex helps to increase efficiency and reduce energy usage while providing real-time information about compressor operating conditions and it’s easy to integrate into an existing control system via hardwiring and/or use of Modbus TCP communication.

Key features

  • Enabler for GEA Cloud® and other cloud-based digital solutions
  • Main interface via Wi-Fi connection using your own mobile device
  • Onboard I/O
  • Prewired sensors and actuators
GEA G-Plex® on a screw compressor controlled via wireless device

GEA G-Plex® is a new, proprietary, WiFi-based, electronic module that provides built-in, automatic, optimal volume ratio (Vi) control and on-site and off-site monitoring of the performance of the compressor. This helps to reduce energy use while providing real-time information about the compressor operating conditions.

Key functions & benefits

  • Increased efficiency with automated variable Vi / capacity control
  • Increased awareness of system operation via condition monitoring, safety alerts, and historical data logging, based on available sensors
  • Clearly visualized compressor performance data via operator’s mobile device
  • Full communication via commonly used Modbus TCP using a LAN Ethernet connection
  • Achieve enhanced efficiency and safe operation in combination with existing control systems

Products may not be available in all areas.
G-Plex® is a registered trademark in several countries worldwide.


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