CO2 saving processes
Increasing economic efficiency and reducing the CO2-emissions with energy recovery units in your industrial process.
Process for WHRU in the Cement Industry
GEA has been supplying heat recovery systems for the cement industry for more than a decade.
Both on the raw gas side upstream of an emission control system as well as downstream of an emission control system: GEA offers tried and tested waste heat recovery system that do not impact your production process while recovering a large amount of waste heat. On the raw gas side with sticky dust an online cleaning system is applied to keep heat transfer at an optimum over years. With this, GEA supplied WHRUs up to 6.1 MW thermal power, converting it to 1 MW of electrical energy via the ORC process and/or powering your SCR as well.
Currently applied to the glass industry for power generation via an ORC or for heating purposes, the system is ready to utilize waste heat for a CEBO® Carbon Capturing unit instead.
Process for WHRU in the Glass Industry
En los últimos años, los elevados precios de la energía y la necesidad de reducir las emisiones de CO2 han aumentado la importancia de las aplicaciones de recuperación energética en todos los procesos industriales. La transferencia de gases de proceso calientes a la chimenea de la planta conlleva la pérdida de una valiosa cantidad de energía térm...
Los procesos industriales de energía intensiva generan grandes cantidades de emisiones residuales que generalmente no son aprovechadas. Sin embargo, tiene sentido utilizar la energía térmica, tanto por su aspecto económico como ecológico, con relación a los costes cada vez mayores de la energía, a la necesidad de competitividad de las empresas, y...
La planta de GEA en Koszalin, Polonia, marca un hito en la producción de bombas higiénicas. Este centro polivalente combina décadas de experiencia alemana en ingeniería con una digitalización avanzada y soluciones escalables....
Energy saving is a key success factor when trying to achieve a reduction of the carbon footprint, it can be made by improving process efficiency to recover waste heat, not only from the production process, but also from the hot process gas that in many cases is simply released into the atmosphere, unutilized.
The saving of energy costs and the reduction of CO2 emissions by avoiding fossil fuels make an Energy Recovery Plant an investment that not only provides competitive advantages that positively impact the final product cost, but also helps preserve our environment for the future generations.
GEA offers WHR (Waste Heat Recovery) units alone or in combination with gas cleaning technologies as well, using heat exchanger systems suitable for waste gas conditions such as dust content.
These heat exchanger units have been used in diverse projects worldwide and have proven reliable and highly efficient.
Usually, the GEA energy recovery system consists of:
The heat recovered from the flue gas can be used for:
Waste heat can be recovered from the clinker cooler waste gas as well as the preheater waste gas. Different heat exchanger systems shall be used for the two waste gases, because of the difference in dust content.
The heat can be used for the operation of an ORC turbine for power generation or to generate hot thermal oil or water for other uses.
The use of the heat energy in the gas cleaning process in the SCR is possible as well:
Process for WHRU in the Cement Industry
Depending on the available gas temperature upsteam and downstream the gas cleaning, the waste heat can be recovered at two different stages of the cycle.
Process for WHRU in the Glass Industry