Palletizers & Depalletizers

Palletizer Fluens

Palletizer Fluens achieves a production speed of over 8 layers/min in configuration with low level product infeed and vertical lift pallet loading, and over 10 layers/min if equipped with high level product infeed.

Fluens is a palletizer with a low level product infeed and a vertical lift pallet loading system; by this configuration Fluens is able to provide palletization for medium-high-speed operations at over eight layers/min. A high level infeed model is also available, achieving a production speed of over ten layers/min.

Packs are fed on two or more lanes, combined in layer patterns and transferred straight in-line onto the pallet. The layer formation is achieved using a pack distributing system: either through a continuously moving traditional divider or using a robotized pack manipulator.

Once shaped, the layer is transferred onto an intermediate table which brings it up to the unloading level on the pallet. The intermediate table consists of a comb-shaped steel structure. On the upper part of the machine, a similar comb-shaped table, installed on a mobile bridge, collects the layer once the intermediate table has reached the top height (patented system).

A pusher-compactor, fixed to the mobile table, transfers the layer from the formation zone to the mobile table. A second pusher, installed on the upper part of the machine, transfers the layer from the mobile table to the discharge head, which positions it on the pallet. The discharge head, featuring a central opening with rollers, is set at a fixed height. The pallet is placed on a lifter that moves vertically to receive the layer.

Fluens uses belt transmission where possible to reduce noise and eliminate the need for lubrication. The design allows the system to be configured simply as required and gives open access to all parts of the machine for easy set up and maintenance.

Production capacity:

  • up to 8 layers/min for Fluens LL (Low Level version)
  • up to 10 layers/min for Fluens HL (High Level version)
The low level product infeed palletizer Fluens with vertical lift pallet loading

The low level product infeed palletizer Fluens with vertical lift pallet loading


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