Bottle Fillers

Filler Fillstar LXf

Fillstar LXf is a rotary volumetric machine for filling still drinks into plastic bottles that offers accurate dispensing measurement to prevent product losses, fast changeover and the flexibility to accept bottles of different shapes.

Fillstar LXf features: electronic control valves; free-standing, neck-handling starwheels; brushless motors; simple tank filling, draining and level detection and assures sanitization of machine and filters.

Extreme flexibility

The Fillstar LXf is a rotary volumetric machine for filling still drinks into plastic bottles. It is fitted with electronic control filling valves that do not make contact with the bottles during filling.

Bottles are transported by free-standing neck-handling starwheels powered by electronically synchronized brushless motors.

The filling operation is controlled using electronic filling valves and a magnetic–inductive flowmeter. Product flow on/off is controlled using a membrane pneumatic valve. Other features include a product tank complete with an electropneumatic valve cluster for tank loading and drainage, and a level detector and modulating valves to provide independent control over the product despatch and counter-pressure gas venting lines.

Improved hygiene

Effective sanitization is guaranteed through permanently installed dummy bottles - with an automatic insertion and removal mechanism - that are kept closed in a standby position to improve machine hygiene. Filler sanitation is achieved by forcing a washdown solution through the filling valves and returning it via a separate channel.

A sterile air filtering unit is installed on the capper turret to eliminate any possible microbiological contamination from the air used for cap handling, thereby further improving machine hygiene.

All parts that are in contact with the product (tank, piping, filling valves, etc.) are made from stainless steel.  The machine also has an operator safety guard (detached from the machine) composed of a frame with steel vertical pools, transparent panel and safety sensor. A stainless steel electrical panel is mounted on-board.


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