Laboratory homogenizers

PandaSMART homogenizer

The new PandaSMART is the most automated table-top homogenizer, the perfect solution for the pharma laboratories and R&D centers requesting cGMP and data recording.

PandaSMART Lab Homogenizer

The Panda laboratory homogenizer is now available in a new version, packed with innovative features to elevate your laboratory processes to new heights of efficiency and precision.

The PandaSMART is the most automated table-top homogenizer, the perfect solution for the pharma laboratories and R&D centers requesting cGMP and data recording.

Equipped with a state-of-the-art PLC featuring an intuitive HMI touchscreen interface of 4’’, the GEA PandaSMART offers seamless operation and precise control over your homogenization processes.


Enhanced Monitoring Capabilities

Stay informed and in control with the pressure trend diagram visualization and alarm visualization, empowering you to monitor and adjust parameters in real-time for optimal results.

Tailor the PandaSMART to suit your specific requirements with a range of optional features including:

  • Electropolished version (Ra 0.5 μm)
  • CFR21 and GAMP certifications for cGMP executions
  • FAT/SAT/IQ/OQ protocols for compliance with regulatory standards
  • In-line product cooler for temperature control
  • Inlet/outlet temperature transmitters for precise monitoring
  • Feeding hopper with pneumatic pusher for seamless integration
  • Aseptic execution for sterile applications
  • Variable capacity (50% - 100%) with frequency converter for flexibility
  • Stainless steel trolley for mobility and convenience
  • Remote PLC connection for remote monitoring and control
  • Electronic data recorder GAMP and CFR21 compliance for data integrity
  • Remote Server/SCADA/PC/Laptop connection for enhanced connectivity
  • Date and time synchronization with Customer NTP server for accurate timekeeping
  • User and password synchronization with Customer active domain for streamlined access management.

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