Optimize milk production, animal health, and reduce workload

GEA DairyFeed F4000

DairyFeed F4000

Promote the feed intake of your performance groups with fresh TMR rations, in small portions throughout the day. GEA Feeding Robot weighs, mixes and distributes the feed as you have planned and take over the labor-intensive feeding tasks from you.

GEA Automated Feed Pusher eases the workload, pushing the feed towards the feed fence at intervals chosen by you. If you want to additionally support your cow’s performance, the Automated Concentrate Feeder distributes the concentrate individually, precisely as it is needed in the lactation phase. In the youngstock area, the Automated Calf Feeders provide the calf milk and concentrated formulas necessary for healthy growth right from the beginning.

Efficient feeding is your key to achieving good milk performance of your herd!

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