The ConsiGma® DC for direct compression is the latest expansion of GEA's continuous portfolio for cost effective, compact, high yield manufacturing systems. It offers a robust and flexible manufacturing method for a wide range of products.
This system integrates 4 key GEA technologies - accurate loss-in-weight feeding, continuous blending, tablet compression technology and on-line measurement of CQAs (Critical Quality Attributes) with Lighthouse Probe® - all in a small footprint machine.
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The ConsiGma® CF20 test rig is a standalone module that allows you to characterize the feeding behavior of your products during the early stages of R&D.
An indispensable part of the ConsiGma 4.0 portfolio, the Conductor 4.0 control system architecture ensures smooth operation and communication between the different elements of a pharmaceutical continuous manufacturing line
A highly integrated solution for continuous linear blending and direct compression, the ConsiGma® DC-LB lines offer all the advantages of continuous manufacturing: supply chain agility, small footprint, controlled blending and compression and improved quality.
A cost-effective solution for continuous dry blending and tablet compression using ribbon blending, ConsiGma® DC-RB lines make the advantages of continuous manufacturing (supply chain agility, small footprint and improved quality) available for all.
Cuando el productor surcoreano de alimentos de origen vegetal Pulmuone planteó a GEA el reto de desarrollar un giro moderno del tradicional fideo frío masticable (naengmyeon), los expertos en I+D de GEA estuvieron a la altura. Ayudaron a crear lo que ahora es un éxito comercial producido con menos agua y electricidad que los métodos antes existentes. El resultado también es fiel a los orígenes tradicionales del plato, así como a las raíces de salud, bienestar y sostenibilidad de Pulmuone.
El innovador proceso de GEA marca un hito en el pretratamiento de biocombustibles como el aceite vegetal hidrotratado y el combustible de aviación sostenible. Al eliminar el proceso de decoloración, los fabricantes se benefician de un importante potencial de ahorro: más de un 50% menos de costes operativos y hasta un 12% menos de emisiones de CO2.