Vacuum Technology

GEA ComBiJetStar

Liquid Jet Vacuum Pumps in combination of Steam Jet Vacuum Pumps are used in applications to produce vacuum within critical areas.

Steam Jet Liquid Ejector Vacuum System

The GEA CombiJetStar is a combination of a Liquid Jet Vacuum and a Steam Ejector.
It is used in applications to produce vacuum within critical areas such as:

  • Dirty suction conditions (solid compounds e.g. dust…)
  • Demanding ATEX conditions
  • Steam saving (liquid as driving media instead of motive steam).



Such hybrid vacuum pumps are used to produce vacuum in chemical applications, where condensable media need to be removed mainly under dirty conditions and Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps (LRVPs) are not a suitable option (ATEX, lethal or corrosive service).

It combines the advantages of steam and liquid driven ejectors.

Also in batch operation this kind of hybrid system is a reliable alternative to systems with LRVPs or direct steam units.


  • Reduced steam consumption, as only one steam consumer needs to be installed. Therefore reduced CO2 foodprint.
  • No moving parts
  • Barometric installation is not required
  • Maintenance-free
  • Can be installed in virtually all situations (like ATEX, batch-operation)
  • Quickly and easily put into operation
  • Almost unlimited life, when a suitable material of construction is chosen
  • Can be manufactured from various materials of construction
  • Low acquisition costs, especially if required equipment already available (like centrifugal pumps or separator-vessels)


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