Los retos actuales a los que se enfrenta la agricultura son tremendos: todo el sector está inmerso en una transformación de gran alcance hacia una mayor sostenibilidad y bienestar animal. Al mismo tiempo, muchos agricultores están sometidos a una enorme presión económica. El panel, formado por expertos del gobierno, el sector agrario, el mundo académico y las empresas, debatió temas clave como los requisitos previos para cambiar la agricultura hacia prácticas más ecológicas, las estrategias de adaptación al clima, la mejora de la salud del suelo, así como la reducción de la burocracia y la regulación a que se enfrentan los productores.
– Peter Lauwers
CEO de GEA Farm Technologies
GEA has supported the dairy farmers for decades with automated milking and feeding systems and digital herd management solutions. These solutions ensure more sustainable and higher quality milk production. Combined, these modern tools save time, resources, energy and improve animal welfare by reducing the prevalence of mastitis and claw infections. This drastically reduces the need for medicine and antibiotics in dairy farming. More climate-friendly farming is not possible without these innovations.
The panel discussed the risk of farmers losing important nutrients like nitrogen for their fields and crops if fertilizers and manure are further legislated and restricted. Such a policy has wide ranging effects on profitability, crop yield and the environment. In response, Lauwers highlighted the potential of better manure management to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture by up to 30 percent using new technologies.
– Peter Lauwers
CEO de GEA Farm Technologies
Lauwers therefore calls for a practical revision of legislation in Germany and at the EU level: "Laws need to be adapted more quickly to take into account new and innovative technologies. If this is not done, we will not be able to meet the changing demands on our food system." While there is an urgent need for action on all sides, the technological revolution needs support, including financial resources for farmers and research institutions. While there is a lot of good progress being made by and for farmers, we need to keep it going.
Global GHG emissions by sector 1990-2022 | Statista
CO2-Ausstoß weltweit nach Sektoren | Statista https://www.thuenen.de/de/fachinstitute/betriebswirtschaft/projekte/treibhausgasminderung-ackerbau-im-internationalen-vergleich
Largest agriculture methane emitters worldwide 2022 | Statista
“Around the table for more sustainable agriculture”, Berlin, Feb. 1, 2024
Dr. Felix Prinz zu Löwenstein: agrónomo, agricultor, miembro del Consejo de Bioeconomía del Gobierno federal alemán, miembro del consejo del Instituto de Investigación de Agricultura EcológicaBernhard Osterburg: agricultural- engineer & economist, head of the Soil & Climate Unit at Thünen Institute/ Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forests & Fisheries
Carina Konrad: member of the German federal government, agricultural engineer, farmer
Peter Lauwers, CEO GEA Farm Technologies