
ConsiGma® PAT Test Rig

This standalone module allows you to start developing your PAT models for a pharmaceutical continuous manufacturing process offline during the early stages of R&D.

PAT Test Rig

LightHouse Probe®

In a continuous manufacturing process, process analytical technology (PAT) tools are often used as an integral part of the control strategy. Model development can, however, be time-consuming.

The ConsiGma®PAT test rig allows customers to start PAT model development offline, long before the entire plant is installed, in a set-up similar to the production environment.

Standard Configuration

  • Material hopper
  • Powder Dosing Valve (PDV)
  • Manual Lighthouse Probe®

Available Options

  • NIR probe and spectrometer

Main Benefits

  • Offline development of PAT method 
  • Minimal powder required 
  • Identical probe used in R&D and production

Read more about how GEA and its partners are implementing this technology to lead the way toward smaller, more flexible, continuous processing technologies that are transforming the future of pharmaceutical development and manufacturing.


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