Distillation Technology

Installations de distillation à multiple effet

Multiple Effect Distillation Plants reduce the amount of live steam to the minimum demand.

The core of the distillation range of products is the multiple-effect pressure/vacuum rectification system. The design is largely determined by the characteristic properties of the feed and the specific requirements of the final product.

GEA Distillation is recognized for the high thermodynamic efficiencies, high product yield and high distillate purities achieved.

Multiple-effect distillation permits the repeated use of the energy supplied to a system. Energy consumption is effectively reduced by a factor about equal to the number of effects. Since a temperature difference is required for heat transfer within the reboiler, there are practical limitations to the number of effects that can be used. Maximum and minimum temperatures are, as a rule, determined by the product, or the heating steam pressure and the cooling water temperature.



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