GEA offers three (“wet”, “semi-dry” and “dry”) Sorptive Processes for Flue Gas Desulphurization (FGD) and for other acidic compounds.
GEA is the right partner, providing customers around the world with complete support for all aspects of emission control to comply with the highest air emission standards.
GEA has several process options available for the secure removal of SOx and other acidic compounds.
Different sorptive processes allow the removal of sulfur oxides (SOx) from flue gases produced from power stations, industrial combustion, chemical manufacturing and mineral ore processing. FGD (Flue Gas Desulphurization) systems are categorized as either “wet”, “semi-dry” or “dry” according to the phase in which the flue gas reactions take place.
GEA offers Emission Control proven solutions utilizing the below mentioned sorption technologies:
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Les absorbeurs-sécheurs par atomisation facilitent l'élimination des polluants acides, métaux lourds et poussières provenant des gaz de combustion et de dégagement dans les centrales électriques à combustible fossile, les incinérateurs de déchets et les installations industrielles.
The dry sorption process removes acid gases like sulfur oxides (SOx) and hydrogen chloride (HCl) through two basic steps. The first step is injection of a dry sorbent into the entrained flow reactor. The second one removes the formed compounds through a downstream particulate matter control device such as a baghouse filter, electrostatic precipit...
For the wet desulphurization of flue gas, a scrubbing liquid is recirculating and injected to the exhaust where SOx is absorbed in the liquid and reacts. Simultaneously, the flue gas is saturated with water vapor. The reagent is fed to the sump of the scrubber unit and intermittent dewatering is used to drain the reaction agent.
Un paquet de spaghettis sur quatre, un litre de bière sur deux et un quart de tout le lait traité dans les élevages laitiers dépendent de machines GEA. Quand vos lignes de production ont besoin d’attention, GEA Service intervient...
Les installations de GEA à Koszalin en Pologne constituent une nouvelle référence dans le secteur de la production de pompes hygiéniques. Ce site polyvalent s’appuie sur des dizaines d’années à la pointe de l’ingénierie allemande,...