
GEA offre une gamme complète de broyeurs pour vos besoins uniques ; viande fraîche ou surgelée, légumes ou fromages. Conçues dans une optique de flexibilité, avec une attention permanente de sécurité alimentaire, nos solutions de broyage polyvalentes peuvent être adaptées rapidement à un large éventail de fonctions et denrées.

GEA PowerGrind | Food grinding machine in use with minced meat

The standard in grinding

We understand the vital role that grinding plays in the preparation process. Therefore, our dedicated team has developed the PowerGrind and ComboGrind machines, designed to enhance capacity, prioritize hygiene, and ensure utmost safety. Whether you're working with fresh meat, frozen meat, meat alternatives, cheese, or any other ingredient, our versatile grinders can meet your needs.
Principales applications du GEA PowerGrind - Hachoir alimentaire

When we grind our primary focus is to grind the meat into different levels of fineness. This process involves passing the meat through a series of sharp blades or hole plates. The size of the holes in the grinding plates determine the final texture of the ground product.

Other benefits when grinding can be homogenization of the product, mixing and fat incorporation. Overall, our grinders play a crucial role in processing by transforming raw materials into the required consistency for various food products and/or for the next process, eg. forming

At GEA, we place a strong emphasis on durability. Our extensive installed base of grinding machines speaks for itself, with over x% of them having been in operation for over 20 years. This serves as a testament to the quality and longevity of our products. When you choose GEA, you're choosing reliability, high capacity, and expertise.

Solutions du GEA Food Solution Technology Center de Bakel

Centre technologique de Bakel

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Vous voulez apprendre, expérimenter et innover, sans risque de perturber votre production quotidienne ? Notre Food Solutions Technology Center de Bakel, aux Pays-Bas, est l'endroit où aller. Ses portes sont toujours ouvertes, même à distance !

GEA Insights

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CIAL Chile Employees stand in front of a line of defrosters from GEA.

La solution de décongélation de GEA couronnée de succès chez CIAL au Chili

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