GEA Smart Filtration Flush

Reduce water consumption, demand for sewage capacity and minimize the CIP time of your membrane filtration processes with smart sensor technology.

GEA Smart Filtration Flush

Understanding your demands:

  • The necessity to reduce water consumption, carbon footprint and operational expenditure whilst optimizing effluent release and load on wastewater treatment
  • The need to obviate potential issues with sewage capacity (i.e. during flushing the overflow from the plant might show foam from the sewage system)
  • The impact of water scarcity
  • Product safety (i.e. sometimes chemical residue can be found after traditional flushing with no warning).

GEA has been at the forefront of innovation and sustainable solutions in the field of membrane filtration systems for decades and we continually strive to improve our customers’ efficiency, reduce their consumption of valuable resources and improve sustainability. Smart Filtration Flush is an illustration of our engineering know-how in practice, working for you to reduce your costs, minimize your impact on the environment, improve your profitability and comes as standard with all new membrane filtration installations. Additionally, GEA can offer a retrofit solution to existing installations, even if it’s non-GEA supply.

Smart Filtration Flush

Smart Filtration Flush is a software-based patent pending solution combined with modern sensor technology. This intelligent method of flushing filtration equipment using inline measurements of product properties determines when the individual process streams have been flushed sufficiently. With Smart Filtration Flush, the flush time and water volume are optimized by basing them on actual inline measurements, not the volume of water used. 

Reduce water consumption, and demand for sewage capacity

Smart Filtration Flush reduces both water consumption and the demand for sewage capacity. It combines GEA membrane filtration technology with an intelligent, sensor-based flushing process to reduce freshwater consumption during CIP by up to 50% compared with conventional membrane filtration systems.   

Your benefits at glance 
  • Reduces water consumption by up to 50% during CIP Flush
  • Minimizes total CIP time due to a shorter, more efficient flush. Shorter CIP means more time for production
  • Many customers have two different water sources for Flush. Smart Filtration Flush handles this automatically since the flush is compared directly against the incoming water
  • Reduced freshwater consumption in the membrane filtration system, means less wastewater discharged into the treatment plant
  • Reduced water consumption means lower overall water installation costs in the membrane filtration plant.  


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