Firm, chewy and bouncy: enhance the taste of your noodles with GEA's state-of-the-art processing technologies for different types of noodles from different raw materials.
Raw materials: spelt-buckwheat
Technology: regular sheeted
Raw materials: rice
Technology: cooked-extruded
Raw materials: wheat flour
Technology: regular sheeted
Raw materials: durum
Technology: regular sheeted
Raw materials: wheat flour
Technology: regular extruded
GEA responds to customer needs by developing a product that follows the health trends of consumers. By perfecting the production process of the noodles, we created a fat-free version with the same texture and palate experience as fried noodles and a similar rehydration time in hot water.
Thanks to our technology, we were able to make fat-free noodles an instant product.
The right balance for noodles.
A stronger, chewier texture with a pleasant bite-feel. Enhance the taste of your noodles with GEA technology.
A superior finished product is achieved with advanced technology. Our extruders allow you to form and pre-cook your product directly at the extrusion stage thus guaranteeing a high quality product.
Discover GEA's innovative solutions to elevate your noodle production with our Noodles Processing Technology brochure. From dough preparation to cutting and drying, we provide state-of-the-art technologies to ensure premium quality noodles. Download our brochure today for an in-depth look at how we can streamline and optimize your production line for maximum efficiency and consistency.
Visualizzazione di 4 su 6
L'estrusore-cottore monovite in grado di trasformare materie prime in prodotti ad alto valore aggiunto.
L'estrusore-cottore monovite in grado di trasformare materie prime in prodotti ad alto valore aggiunto.
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Food Tech Master - Dry Pasta and Noodles processing
Instant Noodles Line - 1000 kg/h
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