Cell culture clarification with minimum effort
The GEA kytero® series consists of single use disk stack centrifuges designed for efficient, gentle cell harvesting.
Our single use centrifuges for gentle cell treatment ensure highly viable cell harvesting and maximum performance.
The single use units are ready in minutes for process testing or small-scale production. No cleaning required, no special training.
The space-saving GEA kytero® skids and tabletop units fit with ease in any cleanroom.
Transfer test results from R&D to production with no effort, using the same state-of-the-art disk stack technology throughout.
GEA kytero® 10
Experience the first tabletop centrifuge offering superior disk stack separation – easy to operate even in the tightest cleanroom spaces!
Designed for 1–10 l bioreactors, the GEA kytero® 10 is a breakthrough for small-scale R&D facilities and biotech producers looking to achieve efficient cell harvesting and product recovery with maximum yield and high cell viability – all with a remarkably low-risk investment.
Maximum performance in tabletop format:
A world-first from GEA.
GEA kytero® 500
Designed to provide small or medium-scale facilities with minimum-effort fed-batch and perfusion separation, this compact, mobile skid unit processes fermentation broth from bioreactors up to 500 l.
The single use concept with aseptic, clip-on aseptic bowl and pathways reduces preparation time to minutes – no SIP/CIP required. Cutting-edge disk stack separation ensures superior efficiency, yield, and cell viability.
Efficient cell harvesting in a snap:
GEA kytero® 2000
Designed to extend single use handling efficiency to medium or larger-scale facilities, this compact, mobile skid unit processes fermentation broth from bioreactors up to 2,000 l for fed-batch and perfusion separation.
The single use concept with aseptic, clip-on aseptic bowl and pathways reduces preparation time to minutes – no SIP/CIP required. Cutting-edge disk stack separation ensures superior efficiency, yield, and cell viability.
Maximum capacity with single use simplicity:
Single use centrifuges avoid extensive cleaning and validation and reduce dependency on filtration.
100% biocontainment-proof, closed pathways and contactfree Breezedrive® system minimize risks and ensure safe, leakage-free operation.
All GEA kytero® machines can be operated in fed-batch harvesting and/or high-yield perfusion mode to realize diverse production strategies.
GEA kytero® units efficiently separate pharma compounds, food proteins or gene therapy cells from mammalian cell or bacterial fermentation broth.
The operation efficiency of these single use units enables faster R&D and production results.
The GEA kytero® concept offers a low-investment gateway to the next generation of process and development.
Benefits of single use disk stack technology over depth filtration and bottle centrifugation
Fully scalable GEA kytero® series for single use
GEA kytero Separator - working principle disk stack
Fluida movimentazione dei prodotti biofarmaceutici, elevate prestazioni di separazione, tutte le caratteristiche necessarie per i massimi requisiti di pulibilità: SIP automatico, facile validazione e package di qualificazione di alto livello.
Fluida movimentazione dei prodotti biofarmaceutici, elevate prestazioni di separazione, tutte le caratteristiche necessarie per una pulizia ottimale in base alle esigenze del processo: CIP automatico, facile validazione e molto altro ancora.
L'innovativo processo di GEA segna una svolta fondamentale nel pretrattamento dei biocombustibili, come l'olio vegetale idrotrattato e il carburante sostenibile per l'aviazione. L'eliminazione del processo di sbiancamento offre ai produttori un notevole potenziale di risparmio: oltre il 50% in meno di costi operativi e fino al 12% in meno di emissioni di CO2.
Il cambiamento climatico e la crescita della popolazione mondiale mettono sotto pressione l'industria alimentare, che consuma molta energia, per nutrire più persone senza impattare ulteriormente sul pianeta. George Shepherd, Global Technical Sustainability Manager di GEA, spiega come GEA utilizzi il proprio know-how ingegneristico per aiutare le aziende di trasformazione a produrre in modo più sostenibile, aumentando al contempo la produttività.