GEA biofuel Separator for sustainable shipping
GEA biofuel Separators are tailored to the specific characteristics of biofuels, efficiently separating water and contaminants to meet the stringent requirements of the industry.
Biofuels such as HVO and FAME offer a cleaner alternative for diesel engines, reducing greenhouse gas and sulfur emissions. However, effective purification is essential to ensure peak performance and prevent costly engine wear.
GEA biofuel Separators are designed specifically for the unique characteristics of biofuels, efficiently separating water and contaminants to meet the stringent requirements of the industry. Whether it's the acidity of FAME in accordance with EN 14214 or ASTM D6751, or the lower density of HVO compared to fossil fuel oil, our purifiers excel at meeting various biofuel specifications. Meeting the fuel requirements of ISO 8217:2017, GEA biofuel Separators are versatile and can operate seamlessly with any type of biofuel, ensuring compatibility with the evolving landscape of sustainable fuels.
GEA biofuel Separators feature an integrated direct drive that delivers unmatched performance per square meter of space. This innovative design ensures maximum efficiency while minimizing footprint, making it an ideal choice for vessels where space is at a premium.
With user-friendly engineering, GEA biofuel Separators with integrated direct drive offer an extremely simple service concept. This not only facilitates easy maintenance, but also contributes to the longevity and reliability of the system, keeping your operation running smoothly.
Stay in control with the smart connectivity features of our separators. Monitor and manage the purification process remotely, enabling proactive maintenance and minimizing downtime. This intelligent integration ensures a seamless and connected experience for optimized efficiency.
We understand the value of your existing equipment. That's why GEA offers the option of upgrading older generations such as OSC, OSD, and OSE Separators to make them compatible with the unique characteristics of biofuels.
Benefit from years of proven superior separation performance on board ships, regardless of centrifuge generation.
Keep your equipment fit with GEA Service
The GEA marine Separator
Marine separators specialize in the purification of fuel and lube oil as well as bilge and EGR water treatment on board ships.
Progettato per regolare automaticamente i diversi processi di separazione, il kit di upgrade per il settore marittimo di GEA comprende un software aggiuntivo e un sofisticato kit hardware di facile installazione. Aumentando notevolmente le funzionalità dei nostri separatori marini, li rende più efficienti e rispettosi dell'ambiente.
GEA bilge Separator with integrated direct drive is designed for cleaning oily water and producing minimum residual oil contents in all performance classes.
GEA bilgEGR Solution is a combined Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) and oily bilge water system designed to treat water on board ships. After treatment, the purified water can be discharged into the sea.
La riduzione degli sprechi è importante per GEA e, sfruttando le potenzialità della tecnologia di liofilizzazione, possiamo trasformare le eccedenze alimentari in prodotti di valore e di lunga durata, contribuendo a ridurre gli sprechi, a prolungare la durata di conservazione e a creare maggiore resilienza nel sistema di approvvigionamento alimentare per le generazioni a venire.
Quando il produttore alimentare sudcoreano Pulmuone, attento alle tematiche ambientali, ha proposto a GEA di sviluppare una versione moderna dei tradizionali noodle freddi (naengmyeon), gli esperti di R&S di GEA si sono dimostrati pronti a cogliere la sfida. Hanno contribuito a sviluppare quello che oggi è un successo commerciale, prodotto con meno acqua ed elettricità rispetto ai metodi precedenti. Il risultato è anche fedele alle origini tradizionali del piatto e ai principi salutistici, di benessere e di sostenibilità di Pulmuone.