Neat Solutions for your Cleaning Systems

CIP-STAR® System Brewhouse

Increased plant availability in the complete brewery

The automatic CIP system in a brewery is often given less consideration than the main processes. However, its design and function have a substantial effect on running cost and hygiene conditions. The right setup determines the cleaning result and thus production safety and beer quality. Detergent costs, water consumption, availability of media and the brewing procedures themselves decide on the right configuration of the system.

GEA CIP-STAR® - Innovative CIP concept

The top priority drivers in the decision matrix for a new brewhouse are high brewhouse yields, optimum occupation times of the vessels and a minimum consumption of primary energy. Our CIP concept uses special mixproof valves for a safe separation of vessel groups and pipes. This allows independent cleaning of vessels and pipes, even if production is still on-going in other brewhouse vessels.

We guarantee product safety at every point of the process. Our upgrade considers all individual local conditions and customer requirements and leads to noticeable savings.

Your benefits at a glance

  • Upgrade of CIP processes results in a time advantage of at least 3 hours and thereby reduces labour costs
  • Production processes and CIP processes in the brewhouse can run simultaneously
  • Reduced consumption of cleaning agents due to elimination of caustic brew
  • Reduced power consumption during cleaning
  • As product-safety is ensured in the complete pipe system, production can start earlier – additional capacity is created
  • Useful instrument to boost production – with only few mechanical modifications
  • Maximum equipment utilization, particularly in peak times
GEA CIP System Cold Process Area


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