GEA Aquarius PopCooler F

GEA Aquarius PopCooler F

The PopCooler F is a continuous lollipop cooling machine to allow flat and 3D lollipops to be cooled without deformation. Lollipop quality and shape are therefore perfectly retained. There are two models available; ensuring that the cooling machine you choose exactly meets your requirements.
- GEA Aquarius PopCooler F Standard Capacity (SC)
- GEA Aquarius PopCooler F High Capacity (HC)


Working principle

After Forming and wrapping the lollipops on the FormWrap machine, the wrapped flat or 3D lollipops are transported out of the forming machine via a transporting belt towards the PopCooler F. On the closed modular plastic belt (food graded) the lollipops are being cooled approximately 6 - 7 minutes with use of ambient air.

  • Closed modular plastic belt
  • Ambient air
  • Hygenic food graded belt 


Maximum speed for GEA PopCooler F SC is 600 lollipops and per minute and 1000 lollipops per minute for the GEA PopCooler F HC

  • Standard capacity cools up to 600 lollipops per minute
  • High capacity cools up to 1000 lollipops per minute 

Output quality

The PopCooler F is designed to cool the lollipop to excellent high quality cooled wrapped lollipops

  • Excellent consistent high quality lollipops 


On the PopCooler F you can cool almost every flat or 3D shaped wrapped lollipop.

  • Cools almost all shapes of flat or 3D shaped lollipops
  • Cools lollipops with embossing
  • Cools strip wrapped lollipops 

98% Uptime guaranteed


We guarantee 98% uptime because of advanced technical design which keeps maintenance costs to a minimum 

  • 98% uptime
  • Advanced technical design 


After every 8 to 10 hours production the machine needs to be cleaned according to a cleaning schedule which is included in our manual of the machine. All GEA Aquarius lollipop machinery have a CE marking. GEA Food Solutions declares that the GEA Aquarius lollipop machinery are conform the essential requirements of hygiene constructions as stated in the CE marking.  

  • Cleaning after every 8 to 10 hours production
  • Hygiene construction according to CE marking
  • Protected against aggressive sugar dust 


All GEA Aquarius lollipop machinery have a CE marking. GEA Food Solutions declares that the GEA aquarius Lollipop machinery are conform with the essential requirements of the applicable EC directives. 

  • CE marking  


Manual starting of the belts and fans 

  • Control panel
GEA Aquarius PopCooler F

GEA Aquarius PopCooler F


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