Evaporation Technology

Plate Evaporator

Plate heat exchanger and separator of compact design, short connecting lines and low overall height. Employs special plates with alternate product and heating channels.

Well suited for its use with temperature-sensitive or viscous products as well as under extreme evaporation conditions.

A plate-and-frame configuration employs special plates with alternate product and heating channels. The plates are sealed by gaskets located within specially designed slots that do not require adhesives. These gaskets can be inserted and removed without special tools. 

The concentrated liquid and vapors are separated in a downstream centrifugal separator.

With little space requirements thanks to its compact design, short connecting lines and overall low height (between 4 and 6 meters), the plate evaporator is especially appropriate for low to medium evaporation rates and the treatment of liquids containing only small amounts of undissolved solids and with low tendency to form incrustations.

GEA will find the appropriate design according to the product and plant requirements.

Particular features:

  • Use of different heating media
    Due to plate geometries, the system can be heated with both hot water and steam thanks to especially gentle and uniform evaporation during single-pass operation.
  • Little space required
    A compact design, short connecting lines and small overall height of maximum 6 meters.
  • Quick and easy installation
    Thanks to pre-assembled and easily transportable construction units.
  • Flexible evaporation rates
    All it takes is to add or remove plates.
  • Reduced investment

Working Principle

Working Principle of Plate Evaporator

Product and heating media are transferred in counterflow through their relevant passages. Defined plate distances in conjunction with specially shaped plates generate strong turbulence resulting in an optimal heat transfer. 

Intensive heat transfer causes the product to boil while the generated vapor drives the residual liquid, as a rising film, into the vapor duct of the plate package. Residual liquid and vapors are separated in the downstream centrifugal separator. 

The wide inlet duct and the upward movement ensure optimal distribution over the total cross-section of the heat exchanger.


Heating options for thermal separation plants

Traditionally, an evaporator or crystallizer is heated by live steam, but waste heat can be used as energy source as well, as long as the amount of energy required for the thermal separation process is given.

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