A cleaner herd for less work

Bedding Conditioner ZorbiSan Plus

ZorbiSan is a high-absorbency bedding treatment for dairy applications that improves cow comfort by keeping bedding cleaner and drier.

Especially animal-friendly and user-friendly

  • Ingredients authorized as animal feed
  • Excellent reaction with manure
  • Authorized for use as bio-insecticide
  • Compatible with biogas systems

High moisture absorbency - optimized stall hygiene

Lying and walkway areas are always dry and clean. Enhances hoof health by keeping hooves dry.

Reduces bacterial growth

ZorbiSan Plus excellent absorbency helps prevent bacterial growth on damp surfaces.

Cleaner cows cleaner teats better milk quality

ZorbiSan Plus absorbs the moisture from manure and urine and keeps udders and teats dry and clean.

Time saving

Perfect bedding conditioner saves time when cleaning the udders before milking. Fine particulate composition, easily removable bedding layer

Less flies better performance

Inhibits growth of fly grubs. Fewer flies make for increased well-being and higher animal productivity.

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