Oil filters clean the oil in the refrigeration circuit.

OF Oil Filters

GEA oil filters are designed for installation in the oil circuits of industrial refrigeration systems. They are fitted with a replaceable filter element made of rustproof woven metal mesh resp. glass fiber material. The filter element is self-centering and is being held in position by the cover. Only filter elements from reputable manufacturers are used. They are selected according to the desired fineness of the filter, filter material, direction of flow, rate of flow and viscosity

Technical Features

  • Available in steel or stainless steel
  • Selection of body material as per German DIN EN12284, AD2000 Series W
  • Working mediums: refrigerants as per EN 378 p. 1 e. g. NH3, R22, R134a and blends with refrigerator oil; non-corrosive gases such as propane and butane; glycol-based cold brine
  • Flow factor [l/min]: depends on filter material, fineness of filter, viscosity and temperature
  • Filter material: stainless steel, glass fiber mat as per API
  • Filter fineness [μ]: 10, 25
OF Oil Filters
materialsteel or stainless steel
nominal sizeDN 15-100
temperature range for
HT Valve Series
-10 °C to +200 °C
nominal pressure levelPS 25, PS 40
temperature range-60 °C to +150 °C
connectionbutt welding and flanged ends as per DIN and ANSI  
brazed ends
additional informationmesh size 10-25 μ multilayer fiberglass,  
stainless steel
GEA AWP OF Oil Management Valves

Oil Filters type OF


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