Reciprocating Compressors
Reciprocating compressors for industrial refrigeration set new standards. With a focus on maximum efficiency and reliability, GEA offers sustainability, low total cost of ownership and a future-proof solution.
With the GEA Grasso V reciprocating compressor series, GEA starts a completely new era for the industrial refrigeration market. This compressor represents the standard across many industrial applications, such as the food, dairy and beverage processing, storage and distribution, and data centers.
While developing the new Grasso reciprocating compressors, GEA engineers continually put themselves in the position of the end-user. Time and again, each component was assessed for the most important elements that contribute to a low TCO:
GEA Grasso compressors are designed and produced in Europe. They bring together more than 100 years of design experience with market leading research and technology. GEA reciprocating compressors are manufactured in 's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands. You are invited to visit and see the precision and quality of the GEA production process first-hand.
GEA has always invested in reciprocating technology with a clear vision for the future. The all new, 2nd Generation Grasso V reciprocating compressors follow this trend. They have all the key features of the previous Grasso V models, but better:
Models | Swept volume*
(m³/h) |
Number of cylinders |
Speed range (rpm/min) |
Type of drive |
Cooling capacity (kW)** |
-10/+35°C | +0/+40℃ | |||||
GEA Grasso V 300-2 | 290 | 4 | 500 – 1,500 | Direct/V-belt | 155 | 237 |
GEA Grasso V 450-2 | 435 | 6 | 500 – 1,500 | Direct/V-belt | 233 | 358 |
GEA Grasso V 600-2 | 580 | 8 | 500 – 1,500 | Direct/V-belt | 312 | 478 |
GEA Grasso V 700-2 | 637 | 4 | 500 – 1,200 | Direct/V-belt | 363 | 543 |
GEA Grasso V 1100-2 | 955 | 6 | 500 – 1,200 | Direct/V-belt | 550 | 822 |
GEA Grasso V 1400-2 | 1,274 | 8 | 500 – 1,200 | Direct/V-belt | 734 | 1,096 |
GEA Grasso V 1800-2 | 1,593 | 10 | 500 – 1,200 | Direct/V-belt | 917 | 1,372 |
Models | Swept volume*
(m³/h) |
Number of cylinders |
Speed range (rpm/min) |
Type of drive |
Cooling capacity (kW)** |
-35/+35°C | +40/+35℃ | |||||
GEA Grasso V 300T-2 | 218 | 3/1 | 500 – 1,500 | Direct/V-belt | 45 | 34 |
GEA Grasso V 450T-2 | 290 | 4/2 | 500 – 1,500 | Direct/V-belt | 67 | 52 |
GEA Grasso V 600T-2 | 435 | 6/2 | 500 – 1,500 | Direct/V-belt | 90 | 68 |
GEA Grasso V 700T-2 | 478 | 3/1 | 500 – 1,200 | Direct/V-belt | 105 | 82 |
GEA Grasso V 1100T-2 | 637 | 4/2 | 500 – 1,200 | Direct/V-belt | 151 | 117 |
GEA Grasso V 1400T-2 | 955 | 6/2 | 500 – 1,200 | Direct/V-belt | 211 | 164 |
GEA Grasso V 1800T-2 | 1,114 | 7/3 | 500 – 1,200 | Direct/V-belt | 259 | 201 |
* Theoretical swept volume based on max. speed mentoined in the table
** Capacity based on package with 2K non-useful superheat & 0K subcooling (two-stage on open flash C interstage cooler)
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GEA の産業用往復圧縮機は、より少ない電力消費量と最大の信頼性で全体の所有コスト(TCO)を削減できます。
高圧アンモニア往復圧縮機により、最も効率の良い NH₃ ヒートポンプ GEA RedGenium が業界トップクラスに。
証明された高性能製品をさらに改良:より高い温度、容量適用範囲の拡張、「クラス内でベストの」効率、より低い総費用、持続可能性を向上 - 新しいGEA RedGenium ヒートポンプはそのすべてを持っています。
ESEERが9を超えるこれらのモデルは、GEA Blu冷却装置コンセプトのポテンシャルを最大限に引き出します。